Netanyahu: London Terrorists ‘Worship Death’ but ‘Will Not Frighten Us’


The terrorists who murdered seven innocent people and wounded dozens more in London “worship death…but they will not frighten us,” Netanyahu stated, vowing to defeat them.

In Liberia Sunday as the first non-African leader invited to address the Economic Community of West African States, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu began his presentation expressing his sorrow at the horrific terror attacks in London Saturday evening.

Muslim terrorists murdered seven victims and injured another 48 in central London, first ramming a van into pedestrians on London Bridge and then stabbing random people at an open-air market.

Eyewitnesses told several British news outlets that terrorists yelled, “This is for Allah,” as they left their van after ramming into pedestrians on London Bridge Saturday night and began stabbing people.

“Dozens of images have appeared on anonymous messaging channels with links to the terror group celebrating the slaughter and vowing to carry out more attacks,” the Daily Mail reported. “While ISIS has not claimed responsibility for the atrocity, fighters had been calling for vehicle and knife attacks targeting the West to take place during Ramadan.”

“When I landed here after a long flight from Israel, I found that a somber cloud hangs over this glorious day,” Netanyahu said. “This is the cloud of terrorism that has claimed the lives of so many innocent Africans, most recently in Niger and Mali. And in recent hours, another terrible attack was launched on innocent people in the heart of London. We condemn it. We send our condolences to the British people and we pledge our commitment to fight this scourge – this scourge that knows no bounds.

“These terrorists worship death,” Netanyahu stated. “They murder indiscriminately, but they will not frighten us. They will not terrorize us. They will only harden our resolve to defeat them. And together, together here in Africa, in the Middle East, in Europe, everywhere – together, we will defeat them faster.”

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat also sent “his deepest condolences to the residents of London.”

“We stand by your side during this difficult time,” he said.

“Terror is terror – anywhere in the world – and the free world must come together to fight evil. An attack in London is an attack against the values of freedom and democracy around the world.”

“Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. “Jerusalem stands with London – today and always,” the mayor concluded.

The foreign ministry condemned the attack using the hashtag #LondonBridgeAttack, saying “We stand with the British people at this time.”

Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan added that “Israel stands in solidarity with the UK and London in the fight against terror,” while Transportation Minister Israel Katz said that Israel shares the grief of the bereaved families.

Both ministers fingered Islamic extremism as an “enemy,” and called for global intelligence as part of a global alliance against terror.

Yesh Atid Chairman Yair Lapid said, “Our prayers are with the UK once again. We are all united against murderous Islamic extremists who want us dead just because of who we are,” while Opposition Leader Yitzhak Herzog said he was “appalled by another horrific terror attack in the UK.

“My thoughts are with the British nation. We must unite and work together to defeat terror,” Herzog said.

By: United with Israel Staff and TPS

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Source: United with Israel