Netanyahu: ‘Imagine the Electricity in the Air 70 Years Ago’!


Prime Minister Netanyahu expressed optimism about the future in recorded remarks aired at the 70th anniversary celebration of the historic UN vote calling for the Jewish State’s establishment in the Land of Israel.

Israel’s Mission to the United Nations celebrated the 70th anniversary of the historic November 29, 1947, United Nations vote on Resolution 181 that called for the establishment of a Jewish state. The event took place at the Queens Museum, which is housed in the same building that served as UN headquarters in 1947.

United States Vice President Mike Pence was the guest of honor and delivered the keynote address.

Watch the powerful message of hope for the future that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sent to the event’s attendees.

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Bring Chanukah Joy to Israeli Soldiers – Say Thank You!

We are honored to thank the young men and women of the IDF who risk their lives every day to protect and defend the citizens of Israel. Join us in sending winter care packages (and personal notes of support) to Israeli soldiers who are out in the cold all day long.

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Source: United with Israel