My 2024 New Year’s Prayer
Even though the Jewish calendar begins with Rosh Hashana, New Year’s has special significance for me. As a fresh, new immigrant to Israel, I sent out my first Israel365 email newsletter on January 1, 2012. Little did I know that 12 years later close to 1,000,000 people from all over the world would be receiving our inspirational messages and connecting with the Land and People of Israel each day!
After this difficult and painful year, I believe that our mission is more essential than ever and that Israel365 is the most important email you receive each day. Simply opening our newsletter allows you to follow the God of Israel in seeking out the welfare of the Land of Israel “from the beginning of the year, till the end of the year” (Deut. 11:12).
Over more than a decade, Israel365 has grown far beyond our email newsletter. Each and every day of the year, we provide lifesaving humanitarian assistance to IDF soldiers, holocaust survivors, and victims of terrorism. At the same time, we are at the forefront of faith-based Israel advocacy and Biblical education aimed at strengthening relations between Christians and Jews. And we couldn’t do it without you, so if you have been with us “from the beginning of the year” or joined in the middle, thank you for standing with Israel and the Jewish people in 2023.

2023 will forever be associated with the horrific war that was launched against us on October 7th. Since then you, our incredible community, have stepped forward with unmatched compassion and generosity, allowing Israel365 to do even more for the people of Israel. Take a look at just some of the incredible charitable activities and vitally important advocacy initiatives that you supported this year.
Finally, I would like to express my personal gratitude and extend a special thank you to the incredible staff of Israel365 who put their heart and soul into providing your daily connection to IsraeI: Robbie Frohlinger, Shlomo Schreibman, Rabbi Elie Mischel, Kalman Labovitz, Eliyahu Adam Berkowitz, Mordechai Levi, Rafi Weinstein, Talia Eisen, Dan Gruhn, Rabbi Rami Goldberg, Donna Jollay, Sharon Michaels, Rabbi Pesach Wolicki, Inbal Rose, Yehudit Weingarten, Aaron Mendelovitz, Shira Shechter, Shuey Fogel, Avraham Perlmutter, Zahava Schwartz, Hadassah Goldberg, Bella Shuman, Paul Isaacs, Shaya Foreman and Clarinda Yuvienco.
There’s a Hebrew prayer we say on the Jewish New Year of Rosh Hashana, “End the year and its curses, start the new year and its blessings.” For Israel and her allies, 2023 can’t end fast enough, and we eagerly await the blessings Hashem has in store for us in 2024.
Father in Heaven, the God of Israel, we place ourselves in Your merciful hands and turn to you in prayer that during the coming year, Israel will emerge victorious over her evil enemies. Protect the brave fighting men and women of the IDF who are defending Your chosen people in Your Holy Land. Grant immediate freedom from captivity for the 120 hostages held in captivity. Comfort the more than 1,000 grieving and mourning families whose loved ones have been killed in recent weeks. May You bless Israel and the world with true and lasting peace “from the beginning of the year till the end,” Amen.
The post My 2024 New Year’s Prayer appeared first on Israel365 News.
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