Murder of young Jewish father binds family in tragedy

Murder of young Jewish father binds family in tragedy

The brutal murder of Meir Tamari, a young father of two toddlers who was gunned down in cold blood by Palestinian terrorists on Tuesday afternoon, emphasized how Israel is one family in a tragically unique way.

Tamari was driving near Hermesh in Samaria when a vehicle with forged Israeli license plates blocked his path. At least two terrorists fired an estimated seven bullets from US-made M16s, hitting Tamari several times. He continued driving until he reached the entrance of the town, where he was treated by medics and later taken by helicopter to Hillel Yaffe Medical Center in Hadera. His death was declared a few hours later.

The terrorists fled the scene and Israeli security forces are currently engaged in a manhunt. 

Paramedic Yehuda Horwitz described the scene:

“I was in an open area near Hermesh when I heard the sound of gunshots and at the same time, I received a report from the MDA hotline regarding the victim. I quickly arrived and I saw the victim lying near the vehicle, conscious and with bullet wounds in his body. Together with the military medical force which quickly arrived at the scene, we provided him with medical treatment and he was evacuated in a military mobile ICU to the hospital, in serious condition.”

Israel365 has learned that the family was touched by tragedy not so long ago. Meir’s mother-in-law married Binyamin Horgan, the widower of Esther Horgan. Horgan, a 52-year-old mother of six, was murdered in December 2020 while jogging in the Shaked Forest near her home in Tal Menashe, Shomron. In the wake of the tragedy, Israel365 and its family of supporters ran a campaign that helped the family to recover from its loss. Israel365 also produced a special illustrated edition of the Book of Esther in Esther’s memory, featuring her artwork and poetry.

Yossi Dagan, head of the Samaria Regional Council, emphasized that the attack took place just a few meters from an unmanned iDF checkpoint.

“It hurts so much to say this now, but we all understand: The writing was on the wall,” Dagan said. “We could have prevented this terror attack.”

“We begged that the checkpoint be reopened, we warned that we would pay in blood, and we were not answered,” Dagan said. “If the government of Israel had not caved to international pressure and removed the security checkpoints, including this checkpoint, Meir would be here with us today, and this evening he would once again laugh and play with his little children and his wife Tal. I demand, now, that the security checkpoints be reinstated. If soldiers had stopped the terrorist at a checkpoint that still exists but is unmanned, Meir would still be with us.”

Palestinian media reported that Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, linked to the Fatah party headed by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, took credit for the murder.

The murder comes during an uptick in the long wave of violence carried out by Palestinians in Israel. A military ambulance was struck by gunfire near Kiryat Arba on Monday night. On Sunday evening, Palestinian terrorists from Jenin fired into the Jewish town of Gan Ner, hitting a home. Shots were fired at a town bordering the security barrier on Sunday, causing damage to homes.

Tamari, age 32, moved to Hermesh four years ago after he married Tal, who grew up in the town. Tamari is survived by his wife and two children; Yahav, aged one,  and Alma, aged three. Tal is a full-time mother and Israel365 is organizing a campaign to raise $72,000 to provide her with financial stability for the next two years. To donate, please click here

Hermesh, a mostly secular community of about 240 Jews and non-Jews, has had more than its share of tragedy since it was established almost 40 years ago. In 2002, a terrorist from Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade armed with an automatic weapon entered the community and murdered Orna Eshel (53), Hadas Turgeman (14), and Linoy Saroussi (14). In 2005, a resident of the community,  Yevgeny Reider (28), was murdered in an Islamic Jihad shooting attack.

To contribute to Israel365’s campaign to support Meir’s family, please click here

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