Mother of Terror Victim Pleads for End to PA Terror-Funding at UN

Danny Danon and Ruth Schwartz

“Ezra’s death broke our family and our world will never be the same,” the mother of teenage terror victim Ezra Schwartz told a UN forum.

A special forum at the United Nations (UN) on Wednesday, demanding an end to Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership’s financing of terror, featured the mother of an American terror victim murdered in Israel.

The event, part of Danon’s ongoing campaign to put an end to the PA’s funding of terror, was held in cooperation with StandWithUs, a non-profit pro-Israel advocacy and education organization.

Ezra Schwartz, an 18-year-old native of Massachusetts, was attending Ashreinu, a program in Beit Shemesh combining Torah studies with community service. He was shot to death by a Palestinian terrorist while handing out food packages to IDF soldiers in Gush Etzion in November 2015.

“The reprehensible terrorist who killed Ezra receives more than $3000 a month from the PA as a reward for killing innocent people,” Danon said. “Foreign aid contributed to the PA by the international community is exploited by the Palestinians and used to support terrorism.  We call on the Security Council to act to cease these payments and finally put an end to the Palestinian support for terrorism.”

“Ezra’s death broke our family and our world will never be the same,” Ruth Schwartz told the assembled. “Ezra will never smile again, never bring children to the world.  I will never hug him again, or tell him that I love him.”

“The payments by the PA are just another way to glorify and encourage terrorism. It’s offensive and wrong,” she stated.

“Terror knows no boundaries,” she continued. “It can affect anyone. No one is immune. I am here to make a simple request. Please do not kill. Please do not reward people who kill, because that is as if you are doing the killing yourselves.”

Earlier this month, Danon wrote to the Security Council members and called on them to condemn terror-funding by the PA.

By: United with Israel Staff

Sign the Petition to Stop Funding the Palestinian Authority

PA head Abbas and Hamas leader Haniyeh together.

PA head Abbas and Hamas leader Haniyeh together.

Petition to the United States and European Union

We demand that all funding of the PA be stopped immediately. The brutal murder of Israelis committed by Palestinian terrorists throughout Israel is the latest result of ongoing PA incitement against Israeli citizens. Funding the PA means funding terror.


Source: United with Israel