MK Rabbi Yehudah Glick’s Wife, Yaffa, Passes Away Leading to Unpleasant Knesset Tiff

Yaffa Glick, the wife of Rabbi Yehudah Glick, Likud member of Knesset and Temple Mount activist, passed away on Monday morning after suffering a stroke in June, which led to an unpleasant conflict among some of the more petty parliamentarians.

In a Facebook post on Monday morning, announcing her passing, Rabbi Glick wrote, “A few minutes ago, the love of my life returned her soul to her Creator. Blessed be the true Judge.”

Rabbi Glick and his wife Yaffa Photo from Rabbi Glicks Facebook page


MK Glick will be absent from the Knesset this week as he mourns his wife. It is common in such cases in the Israeli parliament that a corresponding opposition MK agree to balance his absence by staying away but the current opposition has not consented to do so. A controversial bill to shut businesses on the Sabbath is scheduled to appear before the Knesset Monday evening, one the Likud-led coalition favors.

The Yisrael Beytenu party, led by Naftali Bennet, is part of the Likud coalition but opposes the Shabbat bill and plans to vote against it. The party announced it would not aid the rest of the coalition on the matter by having a member offset Rabbi Glick’s absence.

Ministers and senior members of the coalition, who accused the opposition of “losing their humanity”, while the opposition said the coalition could easily delay the bill to a later date.

“An opposition that refuses to help an MK who must be absent due to the funeral of his wife has lost its humanity and is not worthy of serving as an alternative to the government’s rule,” said Jerusalem Minister Ze’ev Elkin.

Rabbi Glick related to this unpleasantness in a tweet, requesting from the public to honor her passing by increasing their love of their fellow man.

“I beg of you, please do not turn my dear wife’s funeral into the subject of arguments. Please, increase the love and the positive energies.”

Yaffa had been comatose over the past few months and was intermittently hospitalized in Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Medical Center and Misgav Ladach Hospital. She was a widow with two children from her previous marriage when Rabbi Glick married her. Together they had four biological children and two foster children.Glick and his wife also became the legal guardians to the six children of Yitzhak and Tali Ames after they were murdered by terrorists in 2010.

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Source: Israel in the News