In a move one prominent pastor believes will be the first step towards building the Third Temple, Jews and Christians are coming together on a project to give President Donald Trump major support for moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem.
The initiative began last month, when Rabbi Yehudah Glick, a Likud Knesset Member and activist for multi-faith prayer on the Temple Mount, attended the inauguration of President Donald Trump. While in Washington, Rabbi Glick spent much of his time meeting Christian clergy and lay leaders. Out of those meetings grew a project joining Christians and Jews, centered around the battle for Jerusalem.

“We are trying to raise a strong coalition around Jerusalem, to be a tower against the pressure on President Trump not to move the embassy,” Rabbi Glick explained to Breaking Israel News. “He needs a strong support base, and the Jerusalem Covenant is one of the ways we are going to show this support.”
As a means to combat the vocal opposition to recognizing Jerusalem as the Jewish capital, Rabbi Glick is working to collect as many signatures as possible for the Jerusalem Covenant. Written in 1992 commemorating the 25th anniversary of the city’s unification, it was intended as a renewal of the Biblical covenant between God and the people of Israel. Israel365 sought to reaffirm the Jerusalem Covenant in 2013, setting it up as an online petition, and in the first year it got 10,000 signatures. Today, over 110,000 signatures have been collected.
Rabbi Glick has been advocating equality of prayer for all religions on the Temple Mount for many years, but for the first time, he is turning directly to Christians for support. Rabbi Glick plans to meet with over 25 clergymen to join in the Jerusalem Covenant, and last week he asked for help from Pastor Paul Begley, a fourth-generation preacher whose internet ministry reaches thousands of Christians around the world.
Last Monday, the pastor discussed the Jerusalem Covenant and Rabbi Glick’s request on his internet show, Are You Serious, asking his listeners to sign. Pastor Begley was happy to help in what he told Breaking Israel News is a Christian imperative.
MK Glick and Pastor Begley Discuss Jerusalem
“Moving the embassy to Jerusalem would send a message to the world that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and the eternal city of God,” Pastor Begley said. “That is huge for Christians. We are following the footsteps of our Messiah, who came from the Jewish people. Jerusalem is the city where he ministered, where he lived and died. It is the city where our Bible took place.”
The pastor quoted a well-known verse in Genesis which lays the basis for much Christian support for Israel.
And I will bless them that bless thee, and him that curseth thee will I curse; and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed. Genesis 12:3
“Christians take this very literally,” Pastor Begley told Breaking Israel News. “We have an obligation to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God’s Chosen People.”
The pastor stated that current events require Christians to take an active role in this mission.
“Anti-Semitism is quite prevalent against Israel, and Christians need to start working together with Jews to preserve Israel and Jerusalem,” Pastor Begley stated.
The pastor believes that religion played an important role in the last election, and will continue to be a factor as politics takes on religious significance.
“When Trump promised Evangelicals that he would move the embassy to Jerusalem, it was a Christian move to stand with Israel,” Pastor Begley said. “He knows that it is his Christian responsibility to do that. When this happens, it will make it easier for Israel to build the Third Temple, fulfilling Bible prophecy for the End of Times.”
Donna Jollay, a pro-Israel Evangelical Christian activist and Israel365 consultant, told Breaking Israel News that supporting a united Jerusalem is of the utmost importance to Christians.
“The Jews have maintained the word of God for thousands of years for us,” Jollay said. “Jerusalem and Judah coming together is a critical component of this God plan we see playing out today.
She quoted the Book of Joel to drive home the point.
I will gather all nations and will bring them down into the valley of Yehoshaphat; and I will enter into judgment with them there for My people and for My heritage Yisrael whom they have scattered among the nations and divided My land. Joel 4:2
“You can’t support a divided Jerusalem and be a devout Christian,” she warned. “There are serious consequences for that.”
Sign the Jerusalem Covenant here.
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Source: Israel in the News