Miracle at War: Saved by Psalms

Miracle at War: Saved by Psalms

Rabbi Jeremy Gimpel from the Arugot farm in the hills of Judea recently produced a video in which he related a miracle that saved the life of an IDF soldier fighting in Gaza.

“This is a video for all of the people around the world that are saying Tehillim (Psalms) for the people of Israel during this war,” Rabbi  Gimpel began, noting that the Arugot Farm is located in the Ziff Mountains right outside Bethlehem. 

“According to the Midrash, this is the place where David would go out with his sheep when he hid from Saul. “This is where most of the Book of Psalms was written.”The people who are saying Psalms are quite literally, in my opinion, saving the people of Israel. I was asked to make this video by one of these Psalm leaders.”

Rabbi Gimpel then referred to a story that came out of the Gaza battlefield.

“A soldier was literally saved by the Book of Tehillim,” the rabbi said. He then showed a photo of an IDF soldier in full battle gear, holding a book of Psalms that had been almost entirely pierced by a bullet. The book had been in his chest pocket when he was hit by the bullet. Rabbi Gimpel compared the Book of Psalms to a bulletproof vest.

“I found that to be so significant because King David was a warrior of Israel but he was also a composer of songs. And to every physical reality in the world, there is a spiritual counterpart. And just as the soldiers of Israel are going out and fighting for Israel in this physical world, we have people around the world who are fighting for us in the spiritual war. And I think that Tehillim represents that. To see what stopped that bullet. Was it a physical book of Psalms? Or was it the spiritual prayers of people around the world who are praying for their protection? So to me, that was just a sign showing you that your Tehillim is what’s protecting those soldiers.”

“So thank you for your prayers,” Rabbi Gimpel continued. “Thank you for your chizuk (support).

“These guns, that’s not what’s gonna win the war.”

Rabbi Gimpel cited the Bible to illustrate his point.

Then he explained to me as follows: “This is the word of Hashem to Zerubavel: Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit—said the lord of Hosts. Zechariah 4:6

“So thank you all for all of your prayers that are protecting us here in Israel,” Rabbi Gimpel concluded.

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