Members of the Lost Tribe of Menashe Return to Israel After 2,700 Years

In nothing less than a miraculous appearance of the prophesized ingathering of the exiles, more than 100 Jews from the tribe of Menashe arrived in Israel on Tuesday night. 100 more B’nei Menashe will join them on Thursday morning, just in time to celebrate Passover, the holiday of freedom, in the land of Israel.

The new arrivals are joining 3,500 of their brethren who are already in Israel. They have an oral tradition that they are descended from the tribe of Menashe, one of the ten tribes which were taken as slaves when the Assyrians invaded the Northern Kingdom of Israel in 721 BCE. Their travels in exile took them through Persia, and Afghanistan, Hindu-Kush and Tibet. They arrived in Kaifeng in East Central China around 240 BCE after which their final stop was Manipur in Northeast India.

The new arrivals are joining 3,500 of their brethren who are already in Israel. They have an oral tradition that they are descended from the tribe of Menashe, one of the ten tribes which were taken as slaves when the Assyrians invaded the Northern Kingdom of Israel in 721 BCE. Their travels in exile took them through Persia, and Afghanistan, Hindu-Kush and Tibet. They arrived in Kaifeng in East Central China around 240 BCE after which their final stop was Manipur in Northeast India.

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Rabbi Michael Freund, chairman of Shavei Israel, an organization dedicated to finding “lost and hidden Jews and helping them reconnect with Israel,” noted the auspicious timing of the arrival.

“It’s most appropriate they are arriving now, one week before the holiday of Passover,” Rabbi Freund told Breaking Israel News.”This is nothing less than a modern incarnation of the Exodus from Egypt.”

“They are one of the lost tribes and a part of our extended family,” he continued. “The B’nei Menashe never forgot who they were, where they came from, and where they wanted to return to. And that is why Hashem is blessing them for their faithfulness.”

One very touching example of this blessing of freedom was seen when two brothers, Shlomo and Binyamin Haokip, were reunited. Binyamin had made aliyah (immigration to Israel, literally ‘ascending’) five years ago. Their touching reunion with each other was sanctified by a rendition of Psalm 126 that they had composed many years ago in India when they were still dreaming of returning to Israel.

Hashem will do great things for us and we shall rejoice. Restore our fortunes, Hashem, like watercourses in the Negev. They who sow in tears shall reap with songs of joy. Psalms 126:3-5

Rabbi Freund emphasized that the arrival of these lost Jews was a blessing to Jews and Christians alike since the non-Jews, according to prophecy, will also have a role in the pre-Messianic ingathering of the exiles.

Thus said Hashem: I will raise My hand to nations And lift up My ensign to peoples; And they shall bring your sons in their bosoms, And carry your daughters on their backs. Isaiah 49:22

“Anyone who takes the bible seriously should realize that God’s promises from long ago are coming to pass now,” Rabbi Freund said.

“There is no reason to sit on the sidelines and just watch. Bible believing Christians can carry us with their love and encouragement and support. This is an incredible opportunity to take part in the divine plan.”

The newly B’nei Menashe arrivals will spend their first three months at a private absorption center in K’far Hasidim in Northern Israel run by Shavei Israel. Meanwhile, 7,000 B’nei Menashe still remain in India.

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Source: Israel in the News