Mahmoud Abbas praises Biden, left-wing US Jews, and anti-Israel churches

Mahmoud Abbas praises Biden, left-wing US Jews, and anti-Israel churches

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas met with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Jordan’s King Abdullah in Cairo this week. The three leaders pledged “to work together to refine a vision to activate efforts aimed at resuming negotiations, and work with brothers and partners to revive the peace process”, according to a statement released by Egypt’s presidency.

In an address at the Cairo talks, Abbas said that although an escalation of Israeli “violations” had made a two-state solution in line with international law unattainable, the PA was committed to peaceful methods.

The “two-state solution” calls for the creation of a Palestinian state inside Israel’s borders ethnically cleansed of Jews with its capitol in Jerusalem. Jews will; be prohibited from the holy sites like the Western Wall and the Temple Mount.

English language WAFA News quoted Abbas as saying, “[The Palestinian leadership] will continue to work for the unification of our land and people and the achievement of national interests, on the basis of everyone’s commitment to international legitimacy. This will be followed by the formation of a national unity government to assist in the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip, and to hold the general presidential and legislative elections if they can be held in East Jerusalem.”

The Arab leaders also stressed the importance of the historical Jordanian guardianship over the Islamic and Christian holy places in Jerusalem. The three leaders also stressed the importance for the international community to continue to support the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and the need to provide the financial support it needs to maintain its vital services to Palestinian refugees in accordance with its UN mandate.

A slightly different story was reported in Arabic WAFA which quoted Abbas as praising the Biden administration:

“His Excellency [Abbas] stressed that the position of the current US administration is a good one, and it is with the two-state solution and the non-settlement expansion, and against unilateral actions, and announced its decision to reopen its consulate in East Jerusalem,” WAFA wrote. The president said, “We are in constant contacts with the American administration,” noting that public opinion in the United States has undergone a qualitative change, and this is not only in the American street, but within the deep state, where the American public mood began describing Israel as the racist, aggressor and committing war crimes.

Chief among the American public that has turned against “racist Israel” were the left-wing US Jews and anti-Israel churches such as the United Church of Christ and the Presbyterian Chrurch.

“This Included American Jews, and a large number of American churches who issued statements condemning the occupation.”

The term “occupation” is a fallacious reference to Israel.

While publicly stating to the West that the PA supports a peace agreement with Israel, Abbas told a different story at the summit.

“On Palestinian reconciliation, the president said that reconciliation is on hold, as we had many discussions in a number of Arab and non-Arab capitals… Abbas stressed the need for Hamas to be recognized internationally and given legitimacy. ”

Abbas stated that international recognition of Hamas would be the first step towards the PA allying with Hamas.

“Then we can form a national unity government immediately,” Abbas said. It should be noted that Hamas is classified by many countries as a terrorist organization, Its charter calls for an unrelenting dedication to the total annihilation fo Israel by violent means and the ensuing genocide of all the Jews around the world. Cooperation between Hamas and the PA was key in the conflict in May when Hamas targeted Israeli cities with over 4,600 rockets while, at the same time, unprecedented Arab violence rocked Israeli cities.

“Regarding the holding of elections, His Excellency affirmed that no elections will be held without Jerusalem, expressing his rejection of the ideas that call for holding them by phone or the Internet, and that the ballot boxes must be inside Jerusalem, as happened in all previous elections; To assert our sovereignty over our land,” WAFA wrote. “His Excellency affirmed that the only way for security and peace for all is only by ending the Israeli occupation of the occupied State of Palestine.”

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