Laurie Cardoza-Moore Calls on Churches, Humanitarian Groups, UN to Stop Sending Aid Money to Gaza

Laurie Cardoza-Moore speaks at the UN. (PJTN)

The world’s humanitarian organizations must stop sending aid money to Gaza as long as it is ruled by Hamas, said Christian Zionist leader and Special Envoy to the United Nations (UN) Laurie Cardoza Moore on Wednesday.

“The enemy of the people of Gaza is Hamas, not Israel. Hamas has hijacked the coastal strip and rules over its people with an iron fist. For decades, the leadership of Hamas has robbed its people of aid money,” said Cardoza-Moore, who is the head of the pro-Israel Evangelical organization Proclaiming Justice to the Nations (PJTN).

“The time has come to halt all aid money into the Gaza Strip as long as Hamas is in control,” she declared, referring to the terror organization which runs the Strip.

Cardoza-Moore’s call to action follows revelations in the past week of two separate cases of Palestinian employees of aid organizations in Gaza, one of them a UN-run agency, using their positions to embezzle humanitarian funds and redirect aid towards Hamas.

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One of the men arrested for diverting aid funds and resources to Hamas worked for an Evangelical Christian organization, called World Vision International, operating in Gaza. The employee stole millions of dollars, in cash and goods, from the goodwill group over a period of years.

Cardoza-Moore contacted World Vision last week to ask how a Christian organization could hire an agent of Hamas and employ him for years without realizing it, but did not receive a response, reported the Jerusalem Post.

“It is unacceptable that hundreds of millions of dollars are likely being directly transferred to the coffers of an international terrorist organization in the name of Christianity and humanity,” she charged.

“No church or humanitarian organization should send a single cent to Gaza as long as it is run by a band of murderous terrorist bandits.”

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Source: Israel in the News