Keep God’s Land and Regent University Unite in Defense of Israel

Keep God’s Land and Regent University Unite in Defense of Israel

In a powerful display of Jewish-Christian solidarity, the Keep God’s Land movement and Regent University’s Robertson School of Government Institute for Israel Studies joined forces last week to host a landmark event featuring distinguished speakers Ambassador David M. Friedman and Member of Knesset Ohad Tal. The gathering, which took place against the backdrop of ongoing tensions in the Middle East, highlighted the critical role of interfaith cooperation in supporting Israel’s sovereignty and security.

Ambassador David M. Friedman, a key architect of the Abraham Accords and a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, headlined the event. Friedman’s contributions to Middle East peace have been widely recognized, earning him the prestigious National Security Medal. His influence extends beyond diplomacy; Friedman played a pivotal role in President Trump’s decision to formally recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, a move that reshaped the geopolitical landscape of the region.

The ambassador’s latest book, “One Jewish State,” proposes a bold vision for Israel’s future. In it, Friedman outlines a path for Israel to achieve complete sovereignty over its biblical homeland while ensuring peace, prosperity, and dignity for all inhabitants. This perspective aligns closely with the mission of Keep God’s Land, which staunchly opposes the two-state solution.

In a ceremony that underscored the institute’s commitment to fostering understanding and support for Israel, Regent honored Ambassador Friedman with its Defender of Israel Award. Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, now dean of Regent’s Robertson School of Government, presented the award to Friedman. She emphasized that this honor is reserved for “individuals who have made uniquely important contributions to the peace and security of Israel, the U.S./Israel relationship, and the global fight against antisemitism.”

The event highlighted the critical role of Keep God’s Land, a joint Jewish-Christian movement founded in 2023 in response to the October 7th Hamas attacks. Rabbi Pesach Wolicki, Executive Director of Israel365 Action, provided insight into the movement’s origins and mission:

“Ever since October 7th, Dean Michele Bachmann has been at the forefront of the defense of the land and people of Israel. Together with Ambassador David Friedman, Dean Bachmann took the lead in chairing the Keep God’s Land movement, representing hundreds of faith leaders who are pushing back on the calls to divide the land of Israel in a so-called ‘Two State Solution.’”

Rabbi Wolicki continued, emphasizing the importance of education in combating antisemitism:

“With rampant hatred for Israel and Jews spreading across college campuses in America, it is no surprise that Dean Bachmann and the Robertson School of Government at Regent University have once again taken the lead. Founding the Israel Institute to educate the next generation of Christian leaders about the one and only Jewish State is exactly the response we need at this time.”

The rabbi concluded by expressing Keep God’s Land’s pride in partnering with Regent University for this “historic inauguration ceremony.”

At the core of Keep God’s Land’s platform is its firm opposition to the two-state solution, a position that has gained renewed relevance in light of the current U.S. administration’s support for the creation of a Palestinian state. The movement argues that such a plan would be disastrous for Israel, posing a serious existential threat to the country’s security by allowing an Arab state in its heartland. They also highlight a lack of grassroots support for the two-state concept, pointing out that neither the Jewish nor Arab populations in the region overwhelmingly favor the idea. More fundamentally, the group views any division of the land as a violation of God’s will, grounded in biblical teachings.

As diplomatic efforts and global pressures persist, Keep God’s Land remains resolute in its belief that preserving the integrity of Israel’s biblical homeland is not just a political or security concern, but a sacred obligation rooted in faith and history. Their unwavering stance ensures that the debate over Israel’s future will continue to be shaped by those advocating for a unified, sovereign Jewish state in the land promised by God.

This event was sponsored in part by the Nathaniel Foundation.

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