John Kerry in 2013: Israel should follow the ‘Afganistan model’ to fight terrorism

John Kerry in 2013: Israel should follow the ‘Afganistan model’ to fight terrorism

Benjamin Netanyahu, the head of the opposition and former prime minister, revealed a conversation he had with former Secretary of State John Kerry in which the US politician boasted about his work in Afghanistan, suggesting that it should be a model for Israel-Palestinian relations.

“In 2013, John Kerry, then US Secretary of State, contacted me,” Netanyahu told Israeli media. “He invited me on a secret visit to Afghanistan to see, he said, how the United States set up a local military force that could stand up to terrorism by itself.”

Kerry’s intention was to guide Israeli policy in Judea and Samaria towards a model in which Israel would be totally dependent on US military support.

“The message was clear – the ‘Afghanistan model’ was the model that the United States wanted to apply to the Palestinian cause as well,” Netanyahu said. “I politely declined the offer and rejected the basic premise. I understood then that as soon as the United States left Afghanistan, everything would collapse. This is unfortunately what has happened these days: an extremist Islamic regime has conquered Afghanistan and will turn it into a state of terror that will endanger world peace.”

“We will get the same result if, God forbid, we hand over homeland regions to the Palestinians. The Palestinians are not about to establish a new Singapore. They will establish a state of terror in Judea and Samaria, a short distance from Ben Gurion Airport, Tel Aviv, Kfar Saba, and Netanya.”

Kerry’s political assessments have been grossly inaccurate in the past regarding vital matters in the region. Kerry is a strong advocate for the two-state solution that would create an unprecedented Palestinian state inside Israel’s borders with its capital in Jerusalem that has been ethnically cleansed of Jews. In 2016, Kerry claimed the key to peace in the Middle East was dependent on the Palestinians.

“There will be no separate peace between Israel and the Arab world,” Kerry said at a speaking engagement. “I want to make that very clear with all of you. I’ve heard several prominent politicians in Israel sometimes saying, ‘Well, the Arab world is in a different place now. We just have to reach out to them. We can work some things with the Arab world and we’ll deal with the Palestinians.’ No. No, no, and no.”

His claim was revealed to be a lie in 2020 when the Trump-negotiated Abraham Accords were signed between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain.

It is also clear that Kerry’s “Afghanistan model” was catastrophic, resulting in the Taliban establishing the Afghanistan Emirate. 

Netanyahu also noted that dependence on US benevolence failed when coping with the developing threat of the Iranian nuclear program.

“We have seen the same wrong policy with regard to Iran. The international community has embarked on a dangerous agreement that would have given Iran an internationally qualified arsenal of nuclear bombs destined for our destruction.”

“I was then asked by our friends to keep quiet. ‘Do not act or fight.’ I did not agree to that either. We have pursued an aggressive policy both in the operational field and in the political and public relations field. I went out against the whole world, including many in Israel, and spoke in the US Congress against this dangerous agreement. Deputy Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Lapid attacked this action.”

“In the end, we brought the United States to impose heavy economic sanctions on Iran and to withdraw from the nuclear deal. Were it not for our determined actions, Iran would have had an arsenal of nuclear bombs a long time ago.”

“The conclusion is clear: the correct doctrine is the one that I have followed; we must not trust others to keep us safe, we must defend ourselves, on our own, in the face of any threat.”

Netanyahu was critical of the current Israeli government.

“Unfortunately, today the Lapid-Abbas-Bennett government is doing the exact opposite in a manner that endangers our security and our very existence. They agreed to a ‘no surprises’ policy with Iran, a dangerous policy that restricts Israel’s operational freedom of action. They obey others and maintain a thunderous silence regarding Iran these days as it rushes to create a nuclear weapon.”

Like Donald Trump, Netanyahu suffered from an overwhelming media bias.

“They do so with the full and ridiculous backing of the biased media which is trying to hide the failures of this failed government, severe as they may be.”

“[The administration led by Naftali Bennett gets] Zero in confidence, zero in statesmanship, zero in Coronavirus. We are a country without a captain, a country under anarchy.”

“How long will the media be silent in the face of this anarchy that is only intensifying every day?”



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