Jews Around the World Gather Online for Joint Prayer Against Coronavirus


Shofars and special trumpets were blown during the prayer session, as required by Jewish tradition during a time of crisis.


Jews around the world came together virtually on Wednesday for a joint prayer to end the spread of the novel Coronavirus (Covid-19).

The gathering, led by Israel’s Chief Rabbis David Lau and Yitzchak Yosef, was the largest joint prayer ever held, according to organizers.

“All the Jews in the Land of Israel and the Diaspora will come together and pray to stop this horrific pandemic,” a statement by the organizers read, adding that “each person would take part “separately at home but all the nation will pray united together.”

Rabbi Avi Berman of the Orthodox Union’s Israel branch had called upon all Jews to “gather together emotionally and spiritually.”

Rabbis around the world, including the Chief Rabbis of France, Rome, Beijing, China and Rio de Janeiro participated in the prayer.

Beginning at 4.30 p.m. Israel time and held at the Kotel with only a few participants standing two meters apart from one another, as per the requirements of the Health Ministry, the prayer was broadcast via the video conference platform ZOOM.

Shofars and special trumpets were blown during the prayer session, as required by Jewish tradition during a time of crisis.

URGENT: Help Israelis Fight Coronavirus!

Donate to the Israel Coronavirus Relief Fund. The deadly virus is surging in Israel. While all Israelis are affected, the poor, elderly and seriously ill are highly at risk.

Israeli soldiers, security officers and medical care providers are in danger. At this time, Coronavirus poses a greater threat to Israel than acts of terror.

Israelis need your help. Food and medical supplies can be scarce. The country is in near total lockdown. People are in panic. Funds will be distributed where needed most. Help Israel today!


Source: United with Israel