Jews and Christians: Let us unite to protect our freedoms
As we all know, many of our youth can’t remember what happened 10 minutes ago, let alone the history lesson that they maybe received a week or month ago. That’s why I think it’s so important for all of us to use our voices to tell our stories and the stories of our ancestors that went through so much to give us what we have today.
So in that breadth, I would like to share a story with you about a little girl named Pessy. Pessy came from Russian aristocracy and grew up in Kiev during the Russian cossacks.
Pessy was fortunate enough to escape but not before they forced her to watch as they humiliated a Rabbi in the streets by making him dance, slicing him alive into pieces. This little girl was saved by a Christian family who hid her along with her mother and sister in their attic, risking their own lives. Her father left to come to the new country-America, and then sent for them once he was established. During the pogroms, she hid in the haystacks, while the cossacks came with pitchforks to kill everyone, slaughter Rabbi’s and much worse.
Why? Because they were Jews.
Pessy eventually landed on Ellis Island wearing potato sacks for shoes. She was assigned an English name Pearl and gave her a birthdate. She went to work immediately, still a youngster, delivering bagels and doing anything possible to earn a couple dollars.
She learned English, assimilated and she took no handouts from government agencies like most immigrants. She was now a proud American. When she arrived at Ellis Island, she made herself a promise to leave all of the suffering, persecution and bad memories behind and to start anew. Imagine that, a young girl that had seen so many atrocities right before her eyes had the mental strength to put that behind her and start a new life.

This little girl Pessy was my grandmother. While she never told her story because she didn’t want to instill hatred in the hearts of her children and grandchildren, I will use my voice to tell her story.
I used to hear her crying and screaming at night. I would go into her bedroom and ask “Nana why are you crying what’s wrong?“ She would share with me all of the stories and now it’s my responsibility to go on record to make sure her testimonial is never forgotten or erased from history. Never again means never again and it’s right now as we see the historic rise of Antisemitism aka Jew Hatred!
Honestly, it’s pretty sad that the new world that my grandmother escaped to (the United States of America), where she and her family could have religious freedom, is now under the same threat of Tyranny while we watch religion attacked every single day.
I have a message for anyone that identifies as a Democrat and for those members in the halls of Congress who have embraced Jew Hatred and abandoned Jews and Israel.
We, Jewish Americans have been making contributions and sacrifices since the days of the revolutionary war. We have fought for the freedoms we enjoy today and alongside our fellow Americans to safeguard these very freedoms!
Today’s form of Antisemitism disguised as anti-Israel is not only anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist, It’s anti-Christian, anti-American and anti-God.
To our Christian Brothers & Sisters who love Israel and the Jews, thank you, we love you!
To Americans who love God, now is the time to stand with God and his people, the people of Israel. We are in a pivotal moment, in a spiritual war.

There has been a group formed of Islamic Extremists who believe in a violent God. These people have joined forces with the Antifa flag-burning anarchists who don’t believe in God at all.
So the violent God and anti God legions have formed an unholy alliance. Where does that leave us, the people of faith? It leaves us to make a choice. To choose God, to choose our God fearing and God loving brethren, our Christian and Jewish brothers and sisters, our family of faith.
With this faith-based unity, we will march forward fearlessly towards truth, towards God, towards saving America and protecting the one and only homeland of the Jewish people, Israel.
Together we will win this holy war and continue standing up for religious freedom in America.
Michelle Lubin-Terris is Founder of JEXIT and a One Jewish State party delegate
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