An Israeli woman was attacked in her car in the Binyamin region on Wednesday when a group of Arabs penned her in and smashed her windshield.
By: Aryeh Savir, TPS
An Israeli woman driving near the Jewish community of Maale Levonah, in Binyamin, on Wednesday was attacked by Arab car thieves but narrowly escaped unharmed.
The woman was driving on Route 60 when her car was suddenly blocked by a vehicle with Palestinian license plates.
Several attackers got out of the car and smashed her windshield with a hammer.
She did not get out of the car and managed to escape the scene, speeding away to Maaleh Levonah. She sustained light injuries.
The police stated that they have begun to search for possible suspects and that they have launched an investigation into the incident. Theft is suspected to be the motive, the police said.
Arab gangs targeting Israeli motorists have become a significant threat in the area.
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Source: United with Israel