Israeli Fights German Court’s Approval of Kuwait Airways’ Anti-Semitic Discrimination

Kuwait Airways

An Israeli is challenging a German court’s ruling in favor of Kuwait Airways’ discriminatory anti-Israel policies.

A passenger who was barred from boarding a Kuwait Airways flight because of his Israeli passport filed an appeal on Wednesday in the Frankfurt District Court that issued a verdict in the case.

Last month, the court ruled in favor of Kuwait Airways, legitimizing the company’s policy of discriminating against Israelis and banning them from boarding its flights. The appeal was submitted by Nathan Gelbart, the German counsel for The Lawfare Project, a legal think tank and litigation fund that fights anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli discrimination around the world.

The appeal argues that the verdict applied the racist law of a radical, totalitarian regime and allowed it to overrule German national air transportation laws that obligate every air carrier to transport any passenger with valid travel documents. In doing so, the court has aided and abetted Kuwait in imposing its anti-Semitic, anti-Israeli laws even though such discrimination is illegal in Germany, the Lawfare Project said.

According to a 1964 Kuwaiti law, all relations with Israeli citizens are prohibited.

The original verdict in favor of Kuwait Airways’ racist policy triggered outrage across Germany. Foreign Ministry State Secretary, Michael Roth, described it as “incomprehensible,” while State Secretary of the Ministry of Justice, Christian Lange, wrote to Chancellor Angela Merkel asking her to “personally ensure that the landing rights of Kuwait Airways in Germany are immediately withdrawn.”

The Acting Minister of Transport, Christian Schmidt, has now written to the Kuwaiti Minister of Labor, Economics and Social Affairs, Hind Al-Sabeeh, regarding what he called the “disconcerting” policy of Kuwait Airways.

It is “fundamentally unacceptable to exclude citizens because of their nationality,” wrote Schmidt.

Kuwait and Germany have had a bilateral aviation agreement since 1974. Any changes in that agreement must follow consultations, the Lawfare Project stressed. If, for example, Germany was to limit Kuwait Airways’ landing rights, Schmidt’s letter to the Kuwaiti minister would be an essential step in that process.

In addition, since the verdict, three regional parliaments in Germany — Bayern, Hessen, and Nordrhein-Westfalen — have passed resolutions condemning Kuwait Airways for its racist policy.

Kuwait bans all its citizens and companies from doing any business with the Jewish State or its citizens. Kuwait Airways enforces this policy strictly, banning Israelis from its flights. It has faced legal action in Switzerland and the US, where legal pressure led to the airline canceling its popular NYC-London flights, and all its inter-European flights, rather than compromise on its anti-Israel policy.

“The judge had a chance to protect the victim of racist, anti-Semitic discrimination but chose instead to side with the perpetrator of it. It has been encouraging, however, to see the level of outrage he has caused in Germany among decent people who will not let this injustice stand,” said Brooke Goldstein, the Executive Director of The Lawfare Project.

Nathan Gelbart, the Lawfare Project’s German counsel who is representing the Israeli passenger, noted that “we thought we had consigned anti-Semitism to our history books. The Frankfurt District Court’s verdict has allowed anti-Semitic discrimination to be imported into our country and helped whitewash and sanitize it. We cannot allow our laws to be subverted by the state-sponsored racism of other nations.”

By: United with Israel Staff

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Source: United with Israel