Israel Puts Terrorists in Cross-Hairs With Citizenship-Stripping Law

Israel Puts Terrorists in Cross-Hairs With Citizenship-Stripping Law
Palestinian prisoners at Hamas prison in Gaza City

A law is currently advancing in the Knesset that would strip terrorists of Israeli citizenship.

By United with Israel Staff

The Palestinian Authority’s depraved pay-for-slay policy offers lifetime salaries to murderers of Israelis and the family members of vicious criminals.

While Israel and the U.S. have passed laws banning aid to the PA while it funds the policy, Mahmoud Abbas’ regime refuses to stop incentivizing terror.

The Israeli legislature is currently advancing a law that takes aim at pay-for-slay by revoking Israeli citizenship or residency from terrorists who receive PA payments for violent crimes.

The law would prevent terrorists exiting prison from residing in any area not controlled by the PA, eliminating their ability to live in Israel, regardless of their previous status as citizens or legal residents.

The law was conceived of by IDF Lt. Col. (res.) Maurice Hirsch, who now serves as Director of Legal Strategies for Palestinian Media Watch (PMW).

PMW’s efforts translating and publishing PA materials have been instrumental in exposing the contours of the pay-for-slay policy, which remains a pillar of Palestinian society.

“The Palestinian Authority sees all terrorists, including the Israeli Arab terrorists, as its soldiers,” Hirsch recently explained to “The terrorists see themselves as soldiers of the Palestinians, and when they request and receive payment from the PA as a reward for their acts of terror, they complete the cycle.”

In light of this reality, justice dictates that Palestinian “soldiers” forfeit their right to live in Israel by harming its citizens. This is especially true in light of the sheer number of imprisoned terrorists who are Arabs with Israeli citizenship.

According to Hirsch, there are currently 1,000 Arab-Israeli terrorists in prison (300 citizens/700 permanent residents), representing 20% of the terrorist prison population.

With 106 of 120 Knesset members supporting the legislation, according to Hirsch, he predicts it will become law in less than a month.

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