Israel is losing the war but you can help

Israel is losing the war but you can help

Rabbi Tuly Weisz, Pastor Mark Biltz, Donna Jollay, and Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz discuss the prophetic implications of the spiritual/religious war taking place in Israel and how Jews and Christians can join the effort and help. Both Christian pastors and Jewish rabbis are organizing local pro-Israel rallies throughout the United States. The initiative is a means for pro-Israel Christians and Jews to turn their love of Israel into action with peaceful rallies to be seen throughout the world. This effort is part of a wider grassroots campaign to improve Israel’s PR image, a phenomenon known to be Jerusalem’s achilles heel during every battle against Hamas.

Israel365 founder Rabbi Tuly Weisz is also organizing an online pro-Israel rally on Sunday. The event will feature remarks from Rabbi Weisz, Pastor Mario Bramnick, Pastor Jim Garlow, and Pastor David Swaggerty. Rallies have already been organized using a new website that was created by Israel365. Those rallies are scheduled to take place in Boston, Chicago, Columbus, San Diego, Miami and Mount Pleasant, South Carolina.

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