Israel is teaching Russian professionals to use advanced agricultural techniques for improving and preserving fresh produce, including quality and safety.
By: United with Israel Staff
Israel recently hosted 24 professionals from 10 Russian-speaking countries who participated in a tailor-made course in Israel organized by MASHAV, Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation.
The professionals underwent an intensive program on entrepreneurship, marketing and post-harvest in agriculture, which was held at held at MASHAV’s Agricultural Training Center (MATC) in Kibbutz Shefayim, on Israel’s coast.
The professionals arrived from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
The objective of the course was to share advanced Israeli technologies and practices, including the use of know-how by private and cooperative entrepreneurs, modern marketing methods, post-harvest technology to preserve fresh produce, quality and safety of agricultural products in the local and export markets, and strategies for export of competitive products to meet international standards.
MATC conducts international, regional and tailor-made courses as well as professional study tours, workshops and conferences based on Israeli experience. The training is held in English, French, Russian, Spanish and Arabic.
MASHAV is dedicated to providing developing countries with the best of Israel’s experience in development and planning. According to its mission statement, the State of Israel, as a member of the family of nations, is committed to fulfilling its responsibility to contribute to the fight against poverty and to global efforts to achieve sustainable development.
Israel regularly lends its know-how and aid to countries in need around the globe. Most recently, in September, professionals from 14 programs providing agricultural services in African countries took part in a similar course at MATC.
Source: United with Israel