Israel: 3-Year-Old on Deathbed Finds Hope in those who Believe in Proverbs

Imagine hearing the cries of a 3-year old girl suffering from cancer while constrained to a hospital bed…forever. Sounds pretty horrible, right?

That’s the story of Israeli Miri Brenner, a young Israeli toddler with a rare form of leukemia. In fact, the cancer is so rare that most of the doctors that are helping her are simply doing treatments based on trial and error.

As you can imagine, each treatment is even more painful than the last.

Making matters worse, the cancer has already spread to Miri’s heart which has made her even weaker. She’d like to at the very least – live at her house and not in the cold corridors of a hospital. Unfortunately, the doctors won’t let her because her home isn’t well enough ventilated.

This means that she’s essentially stuck in the hospital until she’s cured (if that ever even happens). She can’t even go home between treatments.

She is bed-bound in perpetuity.

The crazy part is – she’s only 3-years old no less. But she hasn’t lost her little girl’s spirit. In fact, volunteers from Rachshei Lev (inheriting a heart) asked her what she would like to do and it’s clear that Brenner hasn’t lost her sweet childhood innocence.  “I want to jump up to the sky and sing happy songs,” she replied. 

However, she constantly says that she also wants to go home.

But she can’t. That’s because her small home isn’t well ventilated enough for her current health. She must spend her days in the depressing white lights of a hospital room. Miri also complains that it is lonely in the hospital.

“I want to go home. It is lonely and sad in the hospital. I just want to be with my brothers again.

I haven’t been home for almost a year. I wish you would help my parents expand their home so that I could see my family again. I don’t want to live here alone anymore” Miri said.

Miri’s father, Aharon Brenner added: “Doctors forbade us from even thinking of taking Miri home, there was no way they would allow it when there are five children in one room. We are in a situation of ongoing severe financial distress. My wife and I are in debt; and because of the complex situation, she had to quit her job.”

Help save Miri. Click to donate

Of course, as a father of four other children, this ordeal has been hard on everyone in the Brenner household.

Both her mother and father come to the hospital in shifts. This means that someone is at home with the children. The entire family is longing for the day when they can all reunite under the same roof again. 

Meanwhile, Aharon is living every parent’s nightmare.

He recalls Miri suffering from high temperature and knee pain last year. A quick trip to the ER revealed the worst news that any parent would want to hear – that his daughter was being attacked by a rare form of Leukemia. 

“They checked her bone marrow twice,” Aharon explained.

“But they didn’t find anything. Eventually, it was determined that it was a very rare form of the disease that only a few people in the world suffer from. It was from blood tests rather than testing the bone marrow that we discovered it.”

And even if Miri recovers, there will always be a lingering fear that the cancer will resurface. 

Brenner has already undergone four rounds of chemotherapy, with doctors hoping she’ll start the fifth one soon. For now, her blood count is too low and she must regain her strength before treatment can continue. But Brenner is a strong child and is willing to fight to stay alive. 

The CEO of Kids with Cancer, Shimi Gashaid, which helps and supports Brenner, said that they are very optimistic that Miri will get better. 

“To overcome at such a young age aggressive chemo with the use of powerful drugs and add to that an extended admittance to the hospital is not easy for such a young person,” he explained. 

“It’s important for us to give what we can to Miri so she will feel more like she is in her natural surroundings,

that she will still feel like a little girl, that she will have the strength to overcome this ordeal,” Gashid said. “Despite her illness, Miri dances and spreads joy to the whole ward. It’s our obligation to keep her energy going.”

You can help do that today

That’s because God has given you a rare opportunity to fund her treatment in hopes that Miri can beat her infliction and go back to being a regular kid again.

You can do this by donating to a crowdfunding campaign that her family set up.

Help save Miri. Click to donate

The doctors are fighting to restore Miri’s health.

And although Israel has free health care, it doesn’t cover everything, certainly not the specialized treatments that Miri demands.

The doctors are ready to roll up their sleeves and fight.

But they can’t do it alone.

They need your help.

Just imagine how you’ll feel if the $50, $75 or $100 dollars that you give goes toward saving her life.

It’s not just a donation, it’s a wise investment.

Just see what it says in Proverbs:

He who is generous to the poor makes a loan to Hashem; He will repay him his due (Proverbs 19:17)

And donating to the people of Israel is a double reward.

That’s because as it says in Genesis, God blesses those who bless Israel, including the daughters of Israel who are fighting for their lives.

I will bless those who bless you (Genesis 12:3)

And you can do that from the comfort of your living room right now.

Donate today. Miri is counting on you.

Help save Miri. Click to donate


Source: Israel in the News