Islamic Scholar in Gaza Places Curse on America: May the Race-War Burn it

America is the “greatest Satan” and U.S. President Donald Trump is being humiliated by the smallest of Allah’s creatures, a virus, according to Gaza-based Islamic scholar Taher al-Lulu.

In a Friday sermon that aired on Palestine Today TV (Gaza/Lebanon) on June 12, al-Lulu said that according to the Prophet Muhammad martyrs will have their sins forgiven with the shedding of their first drop of blood, and will receive a crown of honor and marry 72 black-eyed virgins. They would also be able to plead before Allah on behalf of 70 of their relatives and will be be spared the torments of the grave, among other things, he said.

Citing the Quran, al-Lulu said that “the Jews and the polytheists” are the strongest in enmity towards the Muslims, and prayed that the race-related “flames” currently engulfing America will burn the United States, the “sons of Zion,” and the “hypocrites and cowards” who have abandoned Palestine in its confrontation with the “global conspiracy.”

Source: Israel in the News