Iranian General: ‘Zionist Regime Doomed to Demise’

Iranian General: ‘Zionist Regime Doomed to Demise’

“The Zionist regime is the only regime in the world that discusses how to survive,” Iran’s media reported.


Any “mistake” made by Israel in dealing with Iran will “only expedite its doomed termination,” Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force, threatened.

Hajizadeh disparaged Israel, saying that “the Zionist regime is the only regime in the world that discusses how to survive,” Iran’s media reported.

“The (Zionist) regime that discusses its existence is doomed to termination and cannot talk about destroying other countries,” he added while addressing a ceremony to commemorate the late General Hassan Tehrani Moqaddam.

He further boasted that “the Zionists may be able to start a battle, but it is the Islamic Republic that will end it with the termination of the Zionist regime.”

“If the Zionist regime gives the Islamic Republic an excuse, it will only expedite its termination,” he warned.

The IRGC has been designated a terrorist organization by several countries.

IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi told the Knesset on Tuesday that the IDF “is accelerating its operational plans and its readiness to deal with Iran and the military nuclear threat.”

Israel has warned that the Iranian nuclear program has reached a critical stage and is weeks away from accumulating the material needed for a nuclear bomb, requiring action.

Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Ram Ben Barak warned that “Iran is trying to establish a terrorist infrastructure in Syria, accelerating attempts to transfer strategic weapons to Hezbollah, trying to develop terrorist infrastructures in Gaza and Judea and Samaria, working to hit Jewish and Israeli targets abroad, operating in cyberspace and advancing its nuclear capability, which will serve as an umbrella for increasing its aggression in the region.”

“The IDF and the defense establishment are operating 24/7 openly and covertly in an ongoing campaign against Iran and its metastases,” he added.

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