Iran Nuclear Deal Starts Today as US and Europe Remove Sanctions

Mohamad Javad Zarif

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With today’s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) announcement that Iran has fulfilled its initial obligations under the nuclear deal, Iran gains billions of dollars in sanctions relief from the US and Europe.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has said that Iran has fulfilled its initial obligations under the terms of the nuclear deal reached with world powers last July, paving the way for the first stage of sanctions relief.

Immediately after the IAEA announcement, US and European diplomats said that the nuclear deal has officially been implemented, and that nuclear sanctions against Iran have been lifted.

The IAEA’s announcement came just hours after a breakthrough prisoner swap with the United States saw four American citizens freed in return for the release of seven Iranians jailed in the US.

Sanctions relief to Tehran will see billions of dollars in trade and unfrozen funds flow to the Islamic Republic, in return for it enacting limited curbs on its nuclear program.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu immediately reacted by saying that Israel “will monitor the implementation of the deal and will notify of any violation.”

He noted that Tehran “has not abandoned its aspirations to acquire nuclear weapons, and continues to act to destabilize the Middle East and spread terrorism throughout the world.”

Credit: Israel National News and UWI staff

Source: United with Israel