IDF Soldiers Assaulted by Arab Women While Arresting Palestinian 14-year-old [WATCH]

An Israel Defense Forces’ lieutenant in the Paratroopers’ reconnaissance battalion was assaulted by a group of Palestinian women on Friday who were trying to stop him from arresting a Palestinian 14-year-old who was throwing rocks during a riot in the Samaria village of Qadum.

The assault was filmed and disseminated on social media. The footage shows the officer trying to shake off the women, but not reacting violently.

“Some 50 Palestinians were burning tires and throwing rocks at IDF forces operating [in the village.] The soldiers employed crowd-dispersal measures and took steps to contain the rioting from spreading to neighboring villages,” the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said.

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“During the arrest of the Palestinian minor, who was seen throwing rocks from inside a building, a few Palestinians gathered nearby. The forces completed their mission, arrested the rock-thrower and left the village without anyone being wounded,” said the IDF.

Meanwhile, the IDF announced on Sunday that the family home of terrorist Assam Barghouti, who carried out shootings at a hitchhiking post outside the settlement of Ofra, wounding seven, and the Givat Asaf outpost, killing two and wounding two others, will be demolished.

The Barghouti family has until Jan. 23 to appeal the demolition.

On Friday, the IDF demolished the home of Youssef Ali Jabarin, who stabbed Ari Fuld to death at Gush Etzion junction last September.

Source: Israel in the News