IDF Promises to Protect Syrian Druze

After intense fighting on Friday in the village of Hader, 2.5 miles on the Syrian side of the border near the Hermon, the IDF announced they are ready to protect the Syrian Druze whose relatives in Israel are deeply disturbed by the situation.

“In recent hours, we have witnessed intensified fighting in the area of the Druse village of Hader on the Syrian part of the Golan Heights,” IDF Spokesman Brig.-Gen.Ronen Manelis said. “The IDF is ready and prepared to assist the residents of the village, and will prevent the harming or conquering of the village of Hader because of our deep commitment to the Druse population.”

On Friday, the Al Qaeda affiliated Al Nusra Front attacked Hader. At least nine Druze from the village were killed and another 23 wounded when the terror group detonated a car bomb. Hundreds of Israeli Druze rioted in the city of Majdal Shams in protest. At least ten men managed to penetrate a gate in the border fence and but they were stopped by IDF before they entered Syrian territory. They were returned to Israel and turned over to the police.

Druze Knesset Member Dr. Akram Hasson, of the Kulanu party, said four of his relatives died in the attack.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu posted a similar statement on his Facebook page on Friday, saying, “A brief update from London: we continue to keep security, on our borders in the south and north as well as the sympathy for our Druze brothers. Shabbat Shalom to all of you!”

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Source: Israel in the News