IDF Neutralizes Pipe Bomb at Joseph’s Tomb Before 1200 Jewish Worshippers Arrive

(Yaakov Naumi/Flash90)

Israeli forces neutralized the threat in time for hundreds of Israeli civilians to perform their pilgrimage to the tomb of the biblical Joseph, though troops were forced to perform riot-dispersal maneuvers to ward off additional potential attackers at the site.


A terror attack near Joseph’s Tomb in Shechem/Nablus was averted overnight on Monday by the Israel Defense Forces, which neutralized a pipe bomb discovered prior to the arrival of 1,2000 Jewish worshipers who came to offer prayers at the grave of the biblical patriarch Joseph.

The event, which was secured by IDF, Border Police and Israel Police forces, came under attack by Arab rioters as Israeli civilians arrived at the location.

In addition to affixing the explosive device inside the tomb compound, the rioters attacked IDF forces with stones and burning tires. Soldiers used riot-control methods to stop the attacks, and worshippers were able to continue praying.

The Palestinian Quds news agency reported 13 Palestinian Authority residents wounded in their lower bodies by light fire and rubber bullets. Five were transferred to P.A. hospitals, and another eight were treated at the scene.

Israeli forces also conducted security missions across Judea and Samaria, arresting 15 wanted terror suspects.

Shechem/Nablus is located in Area A, an area designated by the Oslo Accords as under total P.A. control. However, the Israeli army conducts security operations in the area, and civilians can register for monthly authorized and guarded visits to Joseph’s Tomb.

The pilgrimages are frequently met with rock-throwing, Molotov cocktails and even gunfire attacks on Israeli troops.

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Source: United with Israel