Hunter Biden prays in synagogue for God’s justice

Hunter Biden prays in synagogue for God’s justice

Hunter Biden seemed inspired when he went to synagogue on Saturday. It may have been the subject matter; the president’s son was asked to pray for the nation, including a  supplication for helping the system of justice. 

On August 12, Hunter attended sabbath prayers at Congregation Etz Chaim in Marietta, Georgia to celebrate the Bat Mitzvah (coming of age) Jayden Cohen, 13, the son of Melissa Biden’s brother Dalan.

Despite not being Jewish, Hunter was called upon to read the traditional Jewish prayer for the nation. He wore a tallit (prayer shawl) and kippah (skull cap) for the occasion. 

“Our God and God of our ancestors, with Mercy, accept our prayer on behalf of our country and its government. Pour out Your blessings upon this land, upon its inhabitants, upon its leaders and judges, officers and officials, who faithfully devote themselves to the needs of the public.”

“Help them understand the rules of justice You have decreed so that peace and security, happiness and freedom will never depart from our land.

“Adonai, God, whose spirit is in all creatures, we pray that your spirit be awakened within all the inhabitants of our land. Uproot from our hearts hatred and malice, jealousy, and strife, that love and companionship, peace and friendship among the many peoples in faith who dwell in our nation. Grant us the knowledge to judge justly, the wisdom to act with compassion, and the understanding and courage to root out poverty from our land.

“May it be your will that our land be a blessing to all who dwell on Earth, and may you cause all peoples to dwell in friendship and freedom. Speedily fulfill the vision of your prophets that nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn more anymore. For all of them, from the least of them to the greatest, shall know me and let us say, Amen.”

The prayer, petitioning God for justice, was ironic as it came less than 24 hours after a special counsel was named to probe Hunter Biden’s alleged tax and gun crimes, and while GOP investigators continued to search his bank records for signs of influence-peddling. 

Melissa Biden was adopted by Lee and Zoe Cohen, a South African Jewish couple, when she was three years old. She was raised in the Jewish faith and attended a Jewish day school. She met Hunter, 20 years her senior, in 2019, and they married six days later. Hunter’s wife’s full name is Melissa Batya Cohen. Some media have described her as a “devout Jew” though she has a much-publicized tattoo on her bicep of the Hebrew word. After meeting Cohen in L.A., Hunter got a tattoo on his left bicep of the Hebrew word “shalom” (שלום), which Biden copied soon after meeting her. Tattoos are explicitly prohibited by Jewish law. 

It is interesting to note that despite Joe Biden being Roman Catholic, all three of his children married Jewish spouses. Beau married Hallie Olivere. Ashley Biden, his daughter with his second wife, Jill, married Howard Krein.

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