Huge Investment in Leviathan Gas Reservoir Secures Israel’s Energy Future

Israeli gas

Partners of the Leviathan natural gas reservoir announced an investment of $3.75 billion in the largest energy project in Israel’s history; Jerusalem is installing free wi-fi into all four quarters of the Old City; Israel’s NRGene was chosen to advance the breeding of staple African crops, and much more.


The largest-ever energy project in Israel

The partners of the Leviathan natural gas reservoir have announced that they will invest $3.75 billion in its development. The three-year project constitutes both the largest energy project and largest financial investment in Israel’s history and secures its energy future.

Jerusalem’s Old City installs Wi-Fi

Jerusalem is installing free wi-fi into all four quarters of the Old City to benefit millions of tourists, merchants and residents. The pilot near Jaffa Gate and the Christian Quarter will be rolled-out to the entire Old City, adding to existing free wi-fi in the German Colony and Ben Yehuda street.

The writing is on the … windscreen!

I reported previously (Aug 30) that Israel’s Liquid Crystal Glass (LCG) developer Gauzy had been selected for Mercedes-Benz’s AutoBahn Accelerator program. Gauzy presented its LCG message projection prototype to 1200 people at the Accelerator’s Expo Day in Stuttgart. Hundreds of Daimlers will now be fitted with the technology.

Helping to simplify US passport procedures

Israel-based startup Insights.US is using its crowd-consulting software to help reform US passport issuing process. The US Government engaged Insights to ask the public about how to simplify its on-line procedures and improve accessible. Nearly 1000 responses were received.

Improving African staple crops

Thanks to a $6.1 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, one of the world’s largest independent plant science institutes, has selected Israel’s NRGene to advance the breeding of staple African crops such as grain sorghum.

Pocket-sized flying camera

This is so cool – the ultimate in smartphone photo-capture. Israel’s SELFLY is a $100 pocket-sized remote camera for your phone that you send up into the air to capture amazing aerial photos. It reached its $125,000 crowdfunding goal in just 5 days and now is close to raising half a million dollars.

An Israeli camera in every smartphone?

When I reported on Israel’s Corephotonics in May 2014 its innovative dual camera technology hadn’t attracted major smartphone manufacturers.  However, latest investors include Samsung Ventures and Foxconn (makers of Apple’s iPhone). I think we’re getting the picture!

Iron Dome is upgraded

The latest version of Iron Dome passed a series of recent complex tests, improving the system’s capabilities. Its Tamir interceptor intercepted multiple targets fired simultaneously at different ranges.,7340,L-4926270,00.html

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Source: United with Israel