Holocaust survivors, Ukrainian refugees wouldn’t survive without these charitable meals

Holocaust survivors, Ukrainian refugees wouldn’t survive without these charitable meals

An ongoing campaign to help feed over 8,000 Holocaust survivors and Ukrainian refugees in Israel is nearing its goal but needs additional acts of kindness to achieve the objective.

United Soup Kitchens in Israel (USK), a network of 22 public restaurants serving free home-cooked meals daily to over 8,650 diners, is attempting to raise $35,000 to help continue to provide daily nourishment to those who need it.

Thousands of people are regularly served by USK, including 8,000 Holocaust survivors who are impoverished. There are around 147,000 Holocaust survivors living in Israel, according to figures published in April by the Holocaust Survivors’ Rights Authority. According to the authority, the average age of Holocaust survivors in Israel is 85, with around 30,000 over the age of 90 and 462 who have passed 100. The Center of Organizations of Holocaust Survivors in Israel stated in 2022 that roughly one in three survivors lives in poverty, and many are dependent on donated food to survive.

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in early 2022, thousands of Ukrainian refugees have also arrived in Israel, fleeing their homes with little to no money and belongings. These people escaped the Russian forces with their lives but are among those who get help from USK to feed their children and families.

USK in Israel is a project of Tzedakah Central, the oldest continuously operating social services agency in Israel, which was established in 1788. Run primarily by volunteers, USK’s kitchens are located throughout the country, wherever there are high concentrations of elderly men and women in need.

Professional chefs help to prepare the meals, and for those unable to make it to a dining establishment, deliveries are available.

USK also delivers grocery baskets and pantry supplies to thousands of impoverished families, especially before major holidays and festivals. It is estimated that one-third of Israel’s population currently live below the poverty line, and help is needed now more than ever.

United Soup Kitchens in Israel and its sister projects are here to alleviate poverty by eliminating hunger especially among the oldest and youngest in need.

To donate to United Soup Kitchens in Israel, please visit: https://uskisrael.com/serving-with-dignity/

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