God’s most favored nation
America holds certain nations in the “Most Favored Nations” status for trade purposes. This means those nations are given the best trade terms as trading partners. They have the fewest trade barriers, such as tariffs. In America, we tend to see everything through our Western mindset, so we make everything about us. This gives us a distorted worldview. God has a biblical worldview that sees Israel as His Most Favored Nation. This status is not based on the size or wealth of the nation. It is based on what God says.
God’s Most Favored Nation.
God has a “Most Favored Nation. This most favored nation is Israel whom He chose to bear His name. (Ezekiel 36:22). He promised to set Israel above all nations. (Deuteronomy 28:1) He further declares that all nations who bless Israel will share in the blessings God gives to them, and curses to those who deny Israel God’s blessings. (Genesis 12:3). The reality of this shared benefit in Israel’s blessings is not hard to see when we look at all the inventions by the Jewish people that have blessed the world. To name a few inventions God has used Israel to bless the world: The ballpoint pen, instant cameras, word-processing computers, mobile cell phones, video games, camera phones, and Google. God promises Israel, as they are faithful to hear and obey His voice, that His blessings will overflow upon them as a favored people (Deuteronomy 28). These blessings then overflow to the nations.

Political Views of Israel Today.
At this time nations in the Middle East, and around the world are trying to decide what position Israel will have among the nations based on political views and ideologies that fit their worldview. But the political conversation regarding Israel and removing and dividing her land is irrelevant. God has already determined her boundaries and lands in covenant with the Jewish people. When man tries to alter God’s covenants with Israel, it results in judgments of those nations. This judgment regarding the dividing up of lands promised to Israel is clearly stated in Joel 3:2 where God says He will gather and judge all nations, “Because you have scattered My heritage Israel and divided her lands.”
Judgments for Cursing Israel by Giving the Land for Peace.
God establishes blessings and curses regarding His promise to Abraham. Those who bless the promises made to Abraham and his descendants will be blessed, and those who curse or break the promises will be cursed (Gen. 12:3). There are many covenantal altars where Abraham and his descendants affirmed God’s covenant with the land of Israel and the with Tribes of Israel. Many of these covenantal altars are in Judea and Samaria, which is marked to be a part of a Palestinian State. We already know what happens when Israel’s covenantal land is given up for the Two-State solution.
When America was involved in what was known as “Land for Peace” initiatives to establish peace with the Palestinian people, the result was judgments made on America. For instance, when the last Jew left Gaza Strip, because of said “Land for Peace” agreements, which gave this land to the Palestinians to be a part of their state, hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in America on August 29, 2005. This category 5 hurricane caused one hundred twenty-five ($125,000,000) billion dollars in damage and one thousand eight hundred thirty-three (1,833) fatalities. A total of one thousand seven hundred (1,700) Jewish families were uprooted from Gaza and forced to leave, approximately the same number of deaths in New Orleans. The monetary loss of homes in Gaza was at a cost of nearly nine hundred ($900,000,000) million dollars in losses. These losses are reflected in the Katrina judgment that hit America. The words God spoke so long ago come back to remind us, “Those who bless you and your descendants will be blessed, those who curse you or break My covenant with you, will be cursed or judged.” (Gen. 12:3).

Favored Nation Blessings.
America, as an example, has received blessings for standing with Israel in the past. If we now pressure Israel to violate the covenant with God by dividing her land for a Two-State solution, we are in danger of entering into Judgment. There are also examples of Favored Nation Blessings. For instance, when America rose to be the first nation to endorse and recognize the State of Israel in 1948, God sent a spiritual awakening to America known as the “Healing Revivals.” Leading up to the 1967 war in Israel, President Johnson had sent weapons to Israel which helped her in that war. America enjoyed another spiritual awakening called, “The Jesus Movement.” In 1973, when the Yom Kippur War hit Israel, President Nixon sent aid to help Israel. America again experienced another spiritual awakening called, “The Charismatic Renewal” that hit most all denominations.
In 2018, President Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This recognition resulted in economic renewal for America bringing about one of the lowest unemployment numbers recorded in history, record stock market numbers, a real estate boom, and increased wealth for Americans. When America sides with the enemies of Israel, or betrays the covenants God made with Israel, the blessings will disappear. America’s wealth and spiritual conditions will suffer when we betray Israel. Past American presidents have tried to negotiate peace in the Middle East only to fail. President Trump used a biblical approach to seek peace in the Middle East. When President Trump helped put the Abraham Accords in place, he was connecting surrounding Arab nations with the blessings of Israel so the overflow of Israel could bless them as trading partners.
With the Abrahamic Accords, the most favored nation of God is in a position to bless her enemies. These accords connected the nations of the Middle East to Genesis 12:3, bringing normalized relations.
Where we stand with God’s most favored nation really does matter. Our stance with Israel determines whether we receive from the overflow of blessings God gives Israel, or the removal of blessings when we betray her (Genesis 12:3). The question becomes, “Will we protect the promises made to Israel, or will we side with politicians that seek to betray Israel?” The blessings of Israel will result in an overflow to those who stand with her!
The Israel First Principle Reveals Blessings.
Many prophecies in the Bible have an “Israel First Application.” When we push Israel aside in favor of our Western mindset, we misapply prophecy or get a distorted view of God’s focus. After I took my first trip to Israel, I began to receive more revelation concerning Israel in end-time prophecy. Here is a good example. I had been taught that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Ruach”) depicted in Joel 2:28 was about the Christian Church receiving a world-wide final outpouring of the Spirit of God:
“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh: your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.” Joel 2:28

I believed that this promise of pouring out God’s Spirit was for the Christian Church. I thought it was based on my church seeking God and drawing the presence of the Holy Spirit (Ruach) by the things we were doing. After careful study of this chapter in Joel chapter two, I saw something was wrong with the interpretation I was following. In the previous verse of Joel 2:27, I had missed “The Israel First Principle” of this prophecy. Notice this passage says that “the House of Israel” will be back in the land of Israel and then God will be seen in her midst. Hashem, being in the midst of the returned tribes, causes the outpouring of the Spirit (Ruach). This outpouring of the Spirit is a result of the revelation this restoration of Israel brings. Notice the profound progression of revelation:
“And you (nations) shall know that I am in the midst of (House of) Israel, and that I am the Lord your God (Hashem), and none else: and my people (House of Israel) shall never be ashamed.” Joel 2:27.
The passage in Joel 2:28 has an “Israel First Application” that impacts the world. The return of the scattered tribes causes the outpouring of the Spirit of God. Next, Hashem is seen or manifested in her midst. This causes a knowledge of Him to go out to the world. An overflow blessing is released to the nations because the House of Israel is restored by His presence! This is why verse twenty-seven says, “You (Nations) shall KNOW or have a revelation of Hashem.” This revelation of what Hashem is doing in Israel causes an outpouring of God’s Spirit (Ruach) to go forth upon the nations. It is depicting the abundant overflow of what God is doing with Israel going out to the nations.

Return of the Scattered Tribes & The Overflow Blessing.
The literal return of the scattered tribes to the lands of Israel is mandated by God in a number of places in scripture as in Ezekiel 36:24:
“For I will take you out of the nations, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land.”
The expression “into your own land” refers to the 12 tribes who are returning to the lands given as a covenant to their forefathers.
God then says He is going to use these Gentile nations to help bring them back and even carry their children in their arms:
“Thus, saith the Lord God behold, I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, and they shall bring thy sons and, in their arms, and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders. And kings shall be thy nursing fathers.” (Isaiah 49:22).
The Gentiles step in to help when they see a revelation from Hashem that He is calling the scattered tribes’ back home to Israel. The term in the text “Life up mine hand to the Gentiles” means, Hashem calls them to serve and support the return of the tribes. (Isaiah 49:22).

I heard the Lord (Hashem) say, “It is time for the Sons of Jacob to return home, and it is time for the world (nations) to know them.”
This “knowing of the Sons of Jacob” (12-Tribes) will bring a spiritual awakening to the world! When Israel returns to her inheritance in the land of Israel, restoration for the nations springs forth like a final harvest of wheat in the fall season. (Joel 2:23-24). This restoration of Israel releases “an overflow” to the nations that stand with Israel, so they also receive of God’s Spirit which is why the prophecy says:
“He will pour out His Spirit on all flesh (nations).” (Joel 2:28).
Can you see this amazing overflow? The understanding of “The Israel First Principle” in this passage, shifts us from praying for an outpouring of God’s Spirit upon our churches to praying for God to restore Israel. This shift allows us to then partake of the overflow of His blessings poured out upon Israel.
I can no longer pray for the fulfillment of this prophecy (the outpouring of God’s Spirit) without applying it to Israel first.
It is true for our day, “Those who bless Israel shall be blessed.” (Genesis 12:3). The overflow of God’s Spirit (Ruach) to the nations comes as a blessing when we are positioned to see Hashem in the midst of Israel.
Can you now see how the abundant overflow of blessing from Israel works?
We are to shift our mindset in these last days from a Western mindset to a biblical view mindset that applies “the Israel First Principle” found in Genesis 12:3.
The post God’s most favored nation appeared first on Israel365 News.
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