Gaza Protesters Attack Israel With Kite Bombs to Honor Hitler’s Birthday

As part of the fourth week of Hamas-led protests on Friday, Gazans few large kites carrying firebombs over the border into Israel. One kite bomb set ablaze a warehouse in southern Israel on Saturday causing heavy damage. Another kite carrying a firebomb was decorated to honor Adolf Hitler’s birthday which coincided with Friday’s Hamas event.

Last Tuesday, a kite bomb from Gaza set fire to 25 acres of grassland inside Israel. Times of Israel noted the irony in the new style of attacks, recalling that, “last month, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) organized a “Kites of Hope” festival for over 1,000 Gazan schoolchildren from Khan Younis.”

The IDF responded to the protests with tear gas and rubber bullets, resorting to live-fire when Gazans threatened to cross the border fence. Four Palestinians were killed in clashes with the IDF. Palestinian sources claim a total of 39 Palestinians have been killed during the protests. This number has not been verified by any other source. Many of those killed have been identified as members of Hamas’ military wing or of Ismaic Jihad.

Conricus posted images showing minors involved in attacks on the security fence on Friday.

Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian UN ambassador, wrote a letter to the UN Security Council criticizing Israel for its use of force and calling for an independent investigation into the events.

“It seems that the Israeli occupying forces are not restraining themselves, they’re not listening to anyone and they are continuing with this massacre,” Mansour told reporters in New York on Friday.

It should be noted that Mansour’s reference to “Israeli occupying forces” is inaccurate. Israel has not had a military or civilian presence in Gaza since it dismantled the Jewish settlements of Gush Katif in 2005. His statement is, however, consistent with that of top Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh, who, on Friday, stated the purpose of the protests.

UN Middle East peace envoy Nickolay Mladenov echoed the Palestinian narrative.

“Our people will outnumber the occupation and force it from our land,” Haniyeh said, indicating the intent to cross the border into Israel.

The IDF dropped leaflets over Gaza on Friday, urging Palestinians not to protest violently.

 Palestinian support for the protests appears to be waning as only an estimated 3,000 people showed up to protest on the border. Over 30,000 Palestinians took part in the first protest on March 30, with this number dwindling to 10,000 last week. The tactics have also changed weekly. On April 9, protestors burned 10,000 tires on the border in an attempt to destroy the security fence and obscure the field of vision of IDF soldiers protecting the border. Last week, protesters burned Israeli flags. Also last week, four Palestinians were killed when a large explosive device they were transporting to the security fence exploded prematurely.

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Source: Israel in the News