FOX News reports: Rabbi Tuly Weisz bringing together Jews and Christians to pray for Israel

FOX News reports: Rabbi Tuly Weisz bringing together Jews and Christians to pray for Israel

FOX News published a report on Saturday focusing on the efforts of Israel365’s founder, Rabbi Tuly Weisz,  describing his efforts as “waging a spiritual battle against the evil of Hamas’ terror”. 

Rabbi Weisz’s efforts to help Israel in its time of dire need began with bringing together Jews and Christians in prayer events that included major Christian faith leaders like Michelle Bachmann, Rev. Paula White, Pastor Terri Copeland, and Rev. Peter Fast. 

His inspiration came from  Pslams:

Pray for the well-being of Yerushalayim; “May those who love you be at peace.  Psalms 122:6

The Christians were also motivated by a well-known verse in Genesis:

I will bless those who bless you And curse him that curses you; And all the families of the earth Shall bless themselves by you.” Genesis 12:3

Rabbi Weisz told FOX News, “The world is looking for political solutions, and we’re looking for spiritual solutions … [We’re] bridging the two communities and having rabbis and pastors together praying to the same God.”

These efforts continued and grew, attracting public attention when Rabbi Weisz led a coalition of over 50 influential American and Israeli Jewish and Christian leaders in publishing a full-page letter on page 2 of the Jerusalem Post, coinciding with President Biden’s arrival in Israel. The coalition called on the US president to refrain from forcing Israel to call a cease fire before it eradicated the threat posed by Hamas.

Rabbi Weisz sees the Bible as a common factor bringing Jews and Christians together, especially in the United States.

“There’s a lot of history between Jews and Christians,” Rabbi Weisz told FOX News. “There are a lot of reasons why Jews and Christians don’t ordinarily get together. However, since I started the organization, I felt that the relationship was crucial — and crucial in so many ways for the security of Israel, as we’re seeing today, but also for really the stability of the United States as a Judeo-Christian country.”

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