Fourth Spanish Municipality Drops Support for BDS

anti Israel protest

Israel backers won their fourth legal victory against BDS in Spain in the past two months.

On Wednesday the majority of the Petrer City Council approved the withdrawal of its support for the anti-Israel BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanction) movement, reversing a previous vote in support of the movement.

Petrer is a town of 40,000 inhabitants in the Alicante Province.

The previous resolution prohibited the city council from signing any agreements or contracts with Israeli institutions, companies, organizations, including bodies, companies and organizations in any way involved in Judea and Samaria or in the Golan Heights.

Following legal action taken by ACOM, a Spanish non-profit that works to combat BDS, which exposed the illegality and discriminatory aspects of the agreement, and after facing opposition by the local population, Mayor Alfonso Lacasa rescinded the town’s support for BDS.

Thanks to ACOM’s legal initiatives, 11 courts have annulled such motions, three other institutions have voluntarily revoked their support for BDS, and three more pro-BDS resolutions have been suspended judicially until a final court ruling.

Furthermore, the public prosecutor, through its Hate and Discrimination department, has commenced with proceedings against the town of Valencia to determine the criminal responsibility of councilors who promoted municipal support for BDS.

In addition, nine BDS activists in Spain are currently the subject of proceedings for the harassment and intimidation of American Jewish musician Matisyahu.

“A clearly anti-Semitic movement, BDS is not only facing a firm response from our judicial system and our constitutional framework, with courts that deal blow after legal blow to its mafia-style, violent, and excluding strategy; but its Judeophobic outrages are also being curbed by a civil society and its increasingly sensitive representatives,” ACOM stated after its latest victory.

This is ACOM’s fourth legal victory against BDS in Spain in the past two months. It won similar battles against the councils of Ibiza, Rivas Vaciamadrid, and Sant Quirze de Vallès.

By: Max Gelber, United with Israel

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Source: United with Israel