Explosion on Gaza Border Fence Injures 4 IDF

An explosive device detonated on the Israeli border with Gaza targeted an IDF patrol, injuring four soldiers, two severely.

The device exploded at 3:45 PM when a patrol made up of Golani infantry soldiers and members of a combat engineering unit stopped to remove a flag that had been placed on the fence the previous day during a protest.

The soldiers were evacuated by helicopter to Soroka hospital in Beersheba for treatment, where three of them were rushed into surgery.

An IDF tank retaliated by firing a shell at a military installation in Gaza near where the explosive attack took place. Palestinian media said the observation post targeted by the IDF in response belonged to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Saturday evening, the Israeli Air Force (IAF) struck six Hamas targets.

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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to the incident from Germany where he is attending a security conference.

“The incident on the Gaza border is very serious. We will respond appropriately,” said Netanyahu. He also sent his wishes for a rapid recovery to the soldiers.

“This was a severe terror attack that has the potential to destabilize the region,” said IDF Spokesman Brig.-Gen. Ronen Manelis, adding that Hamas is responsible for the attack.


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Source: Israel in the News