Demonstrators at French Consulate: ‘Stop Subversive Activities Against Israel’

Protest French consulate Jerusalem

Just hours before France suffered two separate terror incidents on Friday, in which at least two are dead and around a dozen wounded, a crowd gathered in Jerusalem to protest the French consulate’s “subversive activities against Israel.”

By: United with Israel Staff

Dozens of demonstrators gathered Friday morning outside the French Consulate in Jerusalem, protesting France’s “subversive activities against Israel.”

The demonstration, organized by the Zionist student NGO Im Tirtzu and the Israel Is Forever foundation, was held in response to the indictment of two French consulate workers who were charged with smuggling dozens of weapons from the Gaza Strip to Judea and Samaria, Im Tirtzu said in a press release.

According to the demonstrators, the recent incident was merely the latest episode in a series of anti-Israel activities undertaken by consulate workers.

The demonstrators chanted slogans including “France – Leave the Jewish State Alone” and “Stop Your Diplomatic Terror,” and called on the consulate to stop funding “anti-Israel” NGOs that “work against Israel and accuse the IDF of war crimes.”

Over the past several years, the French consulate has funded over 750,000 shekels ($215,000) to far-left Israeli NGOs such as “Breaking the Silence,” “B’Tselem,” and “Yesh Din.”

Until 2015, the consulate employed Elsa Lefront, daughter of a known anti-Semitic activist and husband of Salah Hamouri – a Palestinian Arab terrorist who is a member of the “Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine” and who tried to assassinate Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in 2005, Im Tirtzu said.

In 2013, French diplomat Marion Fesneau-Castaing participated in a violent protest in Judea and Samaria where she was filmed assaulting a border policeman.

“For years the French Consulate has been a breeding ground for anti-Israel activity,” said Im Tirtzu National Activist Coordinator Tom Nisani.

“We call on the French Consulate to stop their subversive activities, which not only include direct attempts by their workers to harm the security of Israel, but the funding of radical anti-Israel NGOs that are seeking to undermine Israel’s right to exist.”

Coincidentally, the demonstration took place just hours before a policeman was shot and hostages were taken at a supermarket in two separate Islamic terror incidents in southwest France.

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Source: United with Israel