Critical Medical Research on COVID-19 at Hadassah is Shared with an International Audience

Under the auspices of Hadassah International, over 700 participants from 26 countries around the world participated in a virtual meeting with Prof. Eyal Mishani*, Head of Hadassah’s Research & Development Division, to learn about the vital ongoing research on the Coronavirus that is being done at the Hadassah Medical Organization (HMO) in Jerusalem.

Besides Hadassah leadership around the world, participants in the webinar included medical professionals from many countries that are now dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic as well as representatives of the media from around the world.

At this dire time, Hadassah International, the international arm of the Hadassah Hospitals in Jerusalem, is putting all its resources into leading a humanitarian outreach across the globe to save lives and mitigate the impact of the coronavirus as the pandemic spreads. This includes sharing important knowledge needed by those on the forefront of fighting the battle against COVID-19.

Hadassah assisting the global network of hospitals and communities fighting COVID-19
The Hadassah Medical Organization has always seen the importance of building bridges to peace around the world through medicine. Today, as mankind fights a common enemy, Hadassah believes it is vital to share the knowledge it has gained in the fight against the Coronavirus with any country that can benefit from access to the information.
Prof. Mishani stated that “Hadassah is a bridge in this new world of the coronavirus. Everyone is together in this war.”

The Hadassah Hospitals in Jerusalem are at the forefront of dealing with the coronavirus in Israel. Because translational medicine which brings the fruits of medical research directly from the laboratory to the bedside is routinely practiced at Hadassah, Hadassah now finds itself at the forefront of international research on the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

There are currently 60 clinical trials on various aspects of Coronavirus research ongoing at Hadassah that have the potential to save lives around the world. These include:
Extensive research on improving COVID-19 testing techniques that will increase exponentially the number of tests that can be done and read quickly.

Developing a reliable test to determine immunity from COVID-19 so that a sustainable exit strategy can be developed, and life can return to whatever the new normal will be.

Engaging in serological research to enrich the concentration of antibodies in plasma derived from COVID-19 survivors, so that plasma can be given to seriously ill patients until such time as a vaccination can be developed.
Running clinical trials on promising treatments for COVID-19 patients at different stages of the disease.

Trials of new medical devices that have the potential to be beneficial in the treatment of the disease.
Hadassah Medical Organization has created the Hadassah Manual of Protocols for COVID-19, describing best practices for treating patients. Jorge Diener of Hadassah International stated: “We will be sharing this manual with the poorest countries of the world and potentially help save millions of lives.” The manual is now available in English, Spanish and Russian.

Hadassah’s Global network assisting the Hadassah Hospitals
Hadassah International is extremely proud of Hadassah’s COVID-19 Research and treatment and is asking philanthropically minded individuals and Foundations to support this humanitarian activity and help the Hadassah Medical Center as it implements a strategy to save the lives of the diverse ethnic population impacted by COVID-19 in Jerusalem and around the world.

Hadassah Hospitals require a major investment to keep playing their leading role in healing the people of Jerusalem, Israel and the world. That’s because they need to acquire the appropriate medical infrastructure to accommodate additional beds, monitors, syringe pumps and ventilators. This will help them better prepare for a potential second wave of the pandemic.

That’s also why the Jerusalem hospital is seeking donations from anyone who wants to ensure that Jerusalem remains a healthy city.

“Even small amounts help our patients. We are here to save the lives of everyone” said Hadassah Hospital director Dr. Yoram Weiss. “Every life counts” he added.

“With the help of our friends all over the world, we’ll be able to help Jerusalem prosper. We should not give up the dream of Jerusalem” Weiss concluded.

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Hadassah Hospital Director Dr. Yoram Weiss on Preventing Second Wave of Corona Outbreak in Jerusalem


Source: Israel in the News