Christian Org Presents Historic Document: Christian Declaration Of Support For Israel

The Founders and directors of Return O’ Israel have written and published the Christian Declaration Of Support For Israel. It is a Kairos style document that is intended to counter the rising tide of anti-Semitism, the BDS movement and the recent case launched by the International Criminal Court in the Hague, Netherlands, of alleged war crimes against Israeli leaders. 

This document contains numerous supporting references from the Bible as well as International Laws governing Israel’s rights of return and as a Sovereign Nation. It has been translated into 10 languages and can be found at the ROI homepage;

Released in commemoration of the Centennial anniversaries of both the San Remo Conference and Treaty of Sévres, our objective is to collect as many signatures as possible of Christians worldwide who love and support Israel’s Biblical, legal and indigenous rights to their ancestral homeland.

There has never been a more important time for Christians worldwide to show the strength of our collective voice in solidarity with Israel – and let it be known that; 

  1. Christians do not support the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague, investigation into alleged “war crimes” by Israel for actions of self-defence against unprovoked terror attacks;
  2. Christians stand in opposition to the lobbying by the anti-Semitic, left leaning liberals of the world – which includes the Jewish organizations of Adalah, B’Tselem, and the New Israel Fund, who have agreed to help the ICC (International Criminal Court) in prosecuting Israel for war crimes. 
  3. Christians stand with and support the political “right” in the Israeli Government as steps towards Peace and Israeli sovereignty are negotiated.

Please join the movement and show your support for Israel by signing the Christian Declaration and help us gain as many signatures as possible by forwarding and inviting family and friends to sign and show the solidarity of Christian love and support for Israel. 


Source: Israel in the News