Christian Friends of Zion Museum Founder Threatens Israel’s Prime Minister Elect
In the aftermath of Israel’s dramatic election cycle, Friends of Zion museum founder, Dr. Mike Evans issued a scathing public letter to Prime Minister-elect Naftali Bennett threatening, “I assure you, I will fight you every step of the way. You have lost the support of evangelicals 100 percent. I don’t know how you can sleep at night.”
Evans published “How Dare You!?” yesterday on Newsreal vowing to pull Christian support for the Jewish State. The hostile tone and vulgar language is surprising coming from Evans, a well-known Evangelical leader, author, and founder of the Jerusalem museum.
Dear Mr. Bennett,
What a disgusting disappointment you turned out to be. You and I spoke on behalf of the settlers at APAC at a hotel because APAC wouldn’t let them speak. I always thought Begin was your hero. You’ve disgraced his very name. Shame, shame, shame on you. Don’t ever call yourself a defender of Zion. You’re not.
You betrayed the very principles that a generation gave their blood for and died for. You want to be in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood and Leftists. God have mercy on your soul. Your a pathetic bitter little man so obsessed on murdering Netanyahu that your willing to damaging the State of Israel for your worthless cause.
I’ve given my life building evangelical support for the State of Israel, not only with 77 million of my followers but with more than 20 world leaders. I assure you, I will fight you every step of the way. You have lost the support of evangelicals 100 percent. I don’t know how you can sleep at night. It would have been so easy for you to have gone with a conservative government. We gave you four years of miracles under Donald Trump and this is how you show your appreciation shitting on our face. How dare you!
To say I’m disgusted with you is an understatement. You should hang your head in shame. You care more about your own damn ego and your bitterness than you do the State of Israel.
Mike Evans
Never before has a pro-Israel Christian leader come out with such a threat against the Jewish State, and many are coming out to criticize Evans.
“As someone who works closely with evangelical leaders, I am shocked that Mike Evans would attack Israel’s Prime Minister elect, Naftali Bennett with such offensive and disrespectful rhetoric,” said Rabbi Tuly Weisz of Israel365.
“Israelis deeply appreciate Christian support for the Jewish state and their efforts to combat antisemitism,” commented Weisz, “but we are extremely weary when it seems that our friends have ulterior motives, or when their love comes with strings attached. Mike Evans has gone way out of his lane as a supposed ‘friend of Zion’ with his uncalled for rant.”
Whether Evans’ threats reflect the views of other Christians was quickly refuted by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) in a statement to Israel365 News.
David R. Parsons, Vice President and Senior International Spokesman of ICEJ, said,“I am surprised that there is a story out there suggesting that evangelical Christians might abandon Israel.”
“Whether or not Benjamin Netanyahu is the prime minister, we support Israel. This has never been an issue for us over the last two and a half years of elections. It was never a thought that Christians would turn their backs on Israel in a post-Netanyahu era. Our support for Israel is steadfast and rooted in the Bible. It is a deep work of the Holy Spirit in modern times for Christians to have sympathy and solidarity with the Nation of Israel. This is regardless of politics, who is president in the US or who is prime minister in Israel.”
“The evangelical support was there before Netanyahu was in office and it will remain long after the current administrations. It is steadfast and reliable and the Jewish people need to know that.”
An American Christian leader agreed that Evangelicals will stand with Israel, regardless of the Prime Minister’s political affiliation. “It is unwise for American evangelicals to meddle in internal, Israeli politics beyond praising the power of Israel’s democracy and if Evangelicals do it anyhow then they should be circumspect and respectful,” said Rev. Johnnie Moore, president of the Congress of Christian Leaders.
“Even though most evangelical leaders have enjoyed a tremendous friendship with Netanyahu which will continue, their friendship with Israel transcends the machinations of Israel’s politics and its political parties. Evangelicals will stand with Israel whomever is the Prime Minister, always. We look forward to a close relationship with all future Israeli governments. As soon as this all settles, I’ll — for instance — be on a plane to Israel. Until then, I am watching and praying.”
Others agree that Evans does not represent the view of Christian Zionists, but is speaking, perhaps at the behest of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, an old friend of Evans. Evans is organizing an “emergency event” along with the Likud at the Knesset this coming Tuesday.

Profile picture from Mike Evans Facebook page with Benjamin Netanyahu
“For the past two weeks I have been in Texas, traveling and meeting with Evangelical Christians,” Christian Friends of Israeli Communities founder Sondra Oster Baras Baras told Israel365 News. “They love Israel and care deeply about her welfare. And none of them are angry with Naftali Bennett. More importantly, they trust the leaders of Israel to do what is best for the people of Israel and would never presume to interfere.”
“Mike Evans has no business judging Bennett and certainly does not speak for millions of Evangelical Christians who would be horrified at both the vulgar style and presumptuous content of his words,” Baras emphasized.
“From my perspective, as a resident of and spokesperson for the communities of Judea and Samaria, I applaud Bennett for ending the political stalemate and trust that he is acting to foster greater unity within the Jewish people. His heart and ideology are in the right place and I hope he will indeed lead Israel towards a brighter future. Let all those of us who love the People and Land of Israel pray for his success, for the sake of Israel.”
Prime Minister-elect Naftali Bennett of the “Yamina” (meaning, “right” wing in Hebrew) has been criticized by those on the Israeli right-wing for reaching out to a broad coalition including left-wing and Arab parties. However, according to Jeremy Saltan, the Director of English Operations for Yemina, any concern about Bennett’s relationship with Evangelical Christians is unfounded.
“As the first religious prime minister, Naftali Bennet will only enhance ties with the religious community in the US and elsewhere,” Saltan told Israel365 News. “We look forward to working closely with all friends of the State of Israel and the Jewish people.”
Despite building a museum in Jerusalem celebrating Christian Zionism, Mike Evans has long been criticized by some in the Jewish community for his missionary activities and offensive statements he made in the past. As such, his remarks are not surprising to Shannon Nuszen.
“Evans has a long history of being an enemy to the Jewish world, even having the ADL once issuing a statement against his activities against the Jewish communities of NY,” Nuszen, head of Beyneynu, told Israel365 News. “He’s only now a friend of the Jewish people when he was able to use power and influence to forward the evangelical ideology in the Holy Land. Now that the right-wing political agenda is threatened, he threatens the support of all evangelicals.”
“To say that he would drop his support if there was a left-leaning government that didn’t fulfill his personal agenda shows that his relationship with Israel was completely about strings being attached.”
“Evangelical support of Israel is a mandate in Genesis,” Nuszen said, quoting the Bible.
“I will bless those who bless you and curse him that curses you; And all the families of the earth shall bless themselves by you.” Genesis 12:3
“I don’t think even Mike Evan’s can dictate that the Bible means only when certain leaders are in place,” Nuszen said. “The mandate in Genesis has no strings attached. I do not believe Mike Evans will be able to garner the support he’s hoping in his threat to withdraw all support for Israel. Evangelicals follow a mandate from God, not Mike Evans.”
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