An unusual new television series, a cooperative effort of three Christian organizations, explores the modern miracle that is Israel, and its role as an incarnation of God’s Biblical promise – from a Christian point of view. Providing an intimate look at Israel’s history, culture and modern-day life, it allows Christians an insider’s view of the unique Jewish journey.
The one-of-a-kind series was produced by Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), the world’s largest religious television network, along with Christians in Defense of Israel (CIDI), and Liberty Counsel. The 13-part show, called “Why Israel Matters”, is aimed at demonstrating to Christians the living embodiment of Biblical promise in Israel.
“From the moment TBN first went on the air back in 1973, we’ve taken seriously the scriptural promise that God will bless those who bless Israel,” said TBN Chairman Matt Crouch.
And I will bless them that bless thee, and him that curseth thee will I curse; and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed. Genesis 12:3
“Even though I have lived with this series for over two years and reviewed the rough cut version, I was still moved by the impact of this powerful story about Jews being drawn to Israel from around the world,” Mat Staver, chairman of Christians in Defense of Israel and Liberty Counsel, told the Jerusalem Post.
“There has never been a more important time for Christians and others of goodwill across America and around the world to stand in solidarity with the nation and people of Israel,” said Staver.
Mati Shoshani, an Israeli expert on the country’s history and the director of operations at TBN, narrated the video, leading the viewer through the country he clearly loves. He emphasized that the goal of the series was more personal than political.
“These aren’t political organizations,” Shoshani told Breaking Israel News. “There was no ulterior motive. We didn’t want to prove anything.
“The thought behind this is that there are many stories in Israel that are worth telling. We wanted to give people outside of Israel a peek into that.”
He explained that the media of television could often be more powerful than books or articles on the topic. “There is a lot of good happening in this land that people need to know about. We aren’t giving a message that we wrote on a page. We are letting the stories give over their own message. The stories bring hope in a very true fashion.”
The first segment, which aired February 28, dealt with the prophesied ingathering of the exiles. It explored the stories of three Jews who came to Israel from the Diaspora. A Jew from the Khaifeng Chinese community, Jin Jin, described in heavily accented Hebrew why she chose the unusual name Yecholiya (God is able).
And his mother’s name was Jecoliah of Yerushalayim. II Kings 15:2
She explained that her move to Israel fulfilled what her father told her about his family’s dream to return to the home of their forefathers.
The second episode, titled “Neighbors”, described how Israel has survived and even thrived in the hostile Middle East. The third episode, “Miracles”, aired Wednesday evening and describes Israel’s advances in technology, agriculture and military security. Next week, “Survivors” will explain how Israel’s past gives its people the spiritual strength to persevere. The entire series will be viewable online.
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Source: Israel in the News