As Israel Prepares for Passover, Many are Still Left Behind 

As Israel Prepares for Passover, Many are Still Left Behind 

Many Israelis are going into Passover in a better situation than last year, but not everyone. While the country has lifted some Covid lockdown restrictions and Prime Minister Netanyahu has won reelection, there are entire industries that are still completely shut down and so many families, widows and orphans who can’t afford food for the holiday.

Israel’s tourism industry, for example, which comprises 6% of the country’s workforce, has been in perpetual unemployment since the initial lockdowns began a year ago.  Israeli families who rely on tourism and whose paychecks stopped coming in, have fallen into poverty for the first time and are experiencing food insecurity.502

Thankfully, one organization is stepping up to help out before Passover. 

Colel Chabad distributes food stamps to the families who have been devastated the most by Israel’s recent record-high unemployment rate. The organization, Israel’s oldest and longest running charity, ensures that no family starves and that no child goes to bed on an empty stomach.

But they can’t do it alone.

That’s because Colel Chabad operates on donations from friends worldwide who want to bless Israel as written in Genesis:

I will bless those who bless you (Genesis 12:3)

Can you spare a donation for Colel Chabad this Passover?

If you can, Jewish families, Holocaust survivors, widows and orphans that are on the receiving end will be most appreciative. They will realize that Israel has supporters and friends worldwide not just in words, but in deeds as well. 

Now’s your chance to help Israel’s poor get through this trying time. You can do that right now.

Donate to Colel Chabad today.

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