All Israel Invited to Rabbi Yehudah Glick’s Holy Wedding

Rabbi Yehudah Glick, a Likud Member of Knesset and long-time Temple Mount activist, will stand under a Chuppah (marriage canopy) this evening at 7:30 and sanctify Hadas Disin as his wife according to the laws of Moses and Israel.

In a characteristic manner that reflects his enormous love of Israel, Rabbi Glick invited all of Israel to attend his wedding which will be held at Beit Meirsdorf at the Hebrew University on Mount Scopus. He requested that in place of gifts, guests and well-wishers make a donation to Amitsim, an organization that helps young widows and widowers.

Before the wedding, Rabbi Glick ascended the Temple Mount.

“The international place and center of love and peace,” Glick wrote on Twitter from the holiest site in Judaism. “I hope we continue to be God’s vessel for love and good deeds in the world.”

Rabbi Glick announced his wedding four weeks ago from the lectern in the Knesset plenum, receiving a heartwarming standing ovation.

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Disin lost her husband 17 years ago and has four children from her previous marriage. In an interview with Channel 7 she said that “in general, there is no [attempt to] answer [the pain of being an orphan or a widower] in our community [religious Zionists] or in the general population.”

“People think that if we marry again then everything will work out,” she said, “but there’s no connection between a marriage and opening a second chapter and losing your spouse at a young age.”

Glick’s announcement came one year after his first wife, Yaffa, passed away after a long illness following a stroke six-months earlier. Like his second wife, Yaffa was a widow when Glick married her. Yaffa had two children from her previous marriage when he married her. Together they had four biological children and adopted two more. Yehuda Glick and Yaffa also became the legal guardians to the six children of Yitzhak and Tali Ames after they were murdered by terrorists in 2010.

In October 2014, Rabbi lick survived an assassination attempt. A Palestinian approached him after a speech he gave at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem. The Palestinian shot Glick four times in the chest. Miraculously, he survived.

His career in the Knesset is no less miraculous. Glick was placed thirty-third on the Likud list for the 2015 Knesset elections but the party won only 30 seats. Over the course of the next year, three Likud MK’s resigned and Rabbi Glick was consequently sworn in.

Source: Israel in the News