ACT NOW! Urge US Lawmakers to Support a Resolution Affirming Israel’s Deep Connection to Jerusalem and Condemning UNESCO

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Senator Cruz and Congressman Gaetz introduced a resolution reaffirming the deep historical connection between the Jewish people and Jerusalem, and condemning UNESCO for denying it. We must ensure all US lawmakers rally around this important cause.

US Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Friday announced he will introduce to the Senate a resolution reaffirming the deep historical connection between the Jewish people and the city of Jerusalem, a resolution introduced in the House by Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL).

The resolution expresses support for Israel’s protection of religious freedom for all faiths in its capital, and condemns the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for the anti-Israel resolutions it has passed in recent years.

Most recently, UNESCO passed a motion denying the Jewish historical and religious ties to Jerusalem on Israel’s Independence Day this year.

Cruz and Gaetz’s resolution urges the US to work with its allies and prevent future anti-Israeli resolutions from being adopted.

Cruz noted that the resolution “formally rejects UNESCO’s shameful and absurd attempts to deliberately erase the history of Jerusalem, Israel’s eternal capital.”

“This resolution reaffirms the profound historical connection of the Jewish people to Jerusalem that has existed for thousands of years, describes archeological excavations at the City of David that have revealed incontrovertible, physical evidence of the Jewish, as well as Christian ties to Jerusalem, and denounces efforts at UNESCO to delegitimize Israel and deny historical truth,” he added.

Gaetz stated that while the people of Israel “have a deep and ancient connection” to Jerusalem, UNESCO “is actively trying to rewrite history. UNESCO has not been silent in their condemnations of Israel. Each year brings new horrors. Their cruelty, their attempts to erase history, and their anti-Semitism cannot be tolerated any longer.”

UNESCO, essentially led by the Arab bloc, has been relentlessly hostile towards Israel.

The US must demonstrate strong moral clarity by passing this resolution, and we must demonstrate similar resolve by urging lawmakers in both houses to pass this bill with resounding support.

Contact your representative and call on them to support this bill which affirms the historical connection of the Jewish people to the ancient and sacred city of Jerusalem and condemns efforts at UNESCO to deny Judaism’s millennia-old historical, religious, and cultural ties to Jerusalem.

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Urge Your Representatives to Support a Resolution Affirming Israel’s Deep Connection to Jerusalem and Condemning UNESCO!

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2. Call the Capitol switchboard to reach your representative: 1- (202) 224-3121

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    Source: United with Israel