ACT NOW! Pressure Your Senator to Support a Bill Cutting Funding to PA, Which Rewards Terrorists

Corker Cardin

Senators introduced the Taylor Force Act to cut all funding to the Palestinian Authority until it stops financially rewarding terrorists, but congressional support for it is wavering. We must ensure this bill becomes law!

A group of lawmakers from both sides of the aisle reintroduced legislation in March that requires the US to cut all funding to the Palestinian Authority (PA) until it ceases financial rewards for terrorism.

The Taylor Force Act would require the US Secretary of State to verify that the PA has ended its policy of paying off terrorists and their surviving family members. The bill also calls on the PA to publicly condemn terror attacks and to take steps to bring the perpetrators to justice.

The legislation was named after American war veteran Taylor Force, who was stabbed to death in a Palestinian terror attack that left 10 others wounded in Jaffa last March. Force, 29, served tours of duty in the US Army in Iraq and Afghanistan and was a graduate of the prestigious West Point Military Academy. He was in Israel as part of a Vanderbilt University trip.

Under PA rules, the more heinous the act of terror committed, the greater the reward.

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah faction praised the terrorist who murdered Force as a “heroic martyr,” and the PA has yet to condemn the attack.

“This legislation shines a light on a very real problem,” stated Lindsey Graham (R-SC) when he introduced the bill. “Why is the Palestinian Authority paying young Palestinians to commit acts of terror against innocent Americans like Taylor Force or Israelis? The Palestinians need to decide – do they condemn these horrible acts or do they reward them? You can’t be a partner in peace when you are paying people to commit terrorist acts. The choice the Palestinians make will determine the type of relationship they have with the United States in the years to come.”

The US provides the PA with approximately $300 million in aid annually. The PA makes approximately $300 million in payments to terrorists and their families every year.

On Wednesday, during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing, Democratic and Republican lawmakers demonstrated consternation over the bill, questioning the legislation’s “all or nothing” approach and questioning the unintended consequences that might result from the measure’s passage.

This Palestinian policy is outrageous and must be stopped immediately. US taxpayer dollars must not be used by the PA to reward terrorists and their families for acts of violence against Israel and for the murder of Israelis, Americans and citizens of other countries.

We must urge our representatives to ensure that this bill becomes law and is enforced to the letter!

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Pressure Your Representatives to Support the Taylor Force Act!

1. to find your Senator.

2. to send Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Sen. Bob Corker an email.

3 to send the committee’s ranking member Sen. Ben Cardin an email.

4. Call the Capitol switchboard to reach your Senator: (202) 224-3121

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    Source: United with Israel