ACT NOW! Demand NY Times Apologize for Whitewashing Terror Group, Hiding the Truth

The Times has again published an article based on the lies spun by a terror organization. While the article was slammed, the paper has yet to apologize!

The prominent New York Times newspaper has been roundly and repeatedly criticized for its anti-Israel bias, but despite that, continues to vilify the Jewish state and diverge from journalistic ethical standards.

Most recently, in an article titled “Christmas in Lebanon: ‘Jesus isn’t only for the Christians,’” The Times praised this year’s Christmas celebrations in a shopping mall in Beirut, organized by the Hezbollah terror group, an Iranian proxy.

At the event, complete with an enormous Christmas tree and Santa Claus, “the Iranian cultural attaché stepped up to the microphone on a stage flanked by banners bearing the faces of Iran’s two foremost religious authorities: Ayatollah Khomeini, founder of the Islamic Republic, and Ayatollah Khamenei, the current supreme leader,” the Times reported.

According to the Times, “Few seasons frame the everyday give-and-take of religious coexistence quite like Christmastime in Lebanon.”

“Even Hezbollah, the Shiite political movement and militia that the United States has branded a terrorist organization, has helped ring in the season,” the report continued.

“Today, we’re celebrating the birth of Christ – and also the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution,” Mohamed Mehdi Shari’tamdar, the cultural attaché, announced into the microphone, the article said.

The Blaze blasted the Times report, saying sarcastically, “Oh, well, if they’re pro-Santa, they must be fine.”

The Blaze criticized the report as “pro-Hezbollah propaganda” and as “a puff piece that made the Islamist terrorist organization appear sympathetic.”

Hezbollah has been listed as a terrorist organization by the US Department of State since 1997. Its members murder innocent civilians, operate an international narcotics trafficking ring, and launder currency, among a host of other crimes.

It is also sworn to Israel’s destruction.

The Times published a biased piece based on lies spun by a terror organization. When it is proven wrong, the paper falls silent about the matter.

Shame on the New York Times! We must let them know that this is unacceptable! Demand the Times apologize!

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Protest the NY Times’ Whitewashing of a Terror Group!

1. to send article NYT writer Vivian Yee a message on Twitter.

2.  to send article NYT writer Hwaida Saad a message on Twitter.

3. Complain to the NY Times at:

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