A Time for Gentiles To Reflect: Purim & Queen Esther

A Time for Gentiles To Reflect: Purim & Queen Esther

This past Friday was the Jewish celebration of Purim which features the heroism of Queen Esther risking all to stand in the gap for her people. Purim is another one of those “interruptions” of the divine in mortal affairs as a reminder of choices we face between good and evil, life and death.

I’ve written this article as a “shout out” to everyone who’s not Jewish. PLEASE, take a moment to read on and then – stop, pray and deeply consider where YOU FIT in this incredible biblical account of God’s miraculous intervention in the preservation of His chosen people.

Hopefully, the events of October 7th, 2023, have not been relegated as a relic of history that doesn’t pertain to you. Nothing could be further from the truth as the very essence of the evil, corrupt, political Jihadism is to destroy the Jews first – and then Christians next, as the genocide in Syria against Alawites and Christians proves once again.

This begs the question; When you see how the world has once again descended into the depravity and barbarism where antisemitism and the destruction of the Jews is in vogue – where do you stand? 

We as Christians especially need to arise to the opportunity God has presented to all Gentiles. The bravado of other Gentiles in scriptures whose decisions and actions like Rahab the Harlot of Jericho, Jethro the idolatrous priest of Midian and of course – Ruth the Moabitess, all mirror the efficacy of Esther’s self-sacrifice.

Purim refocuses the barbarism unleashed during Oct 7th and demands a response. With even the most casual read of the bible, one cannot escape the fact that in God’s plans, the end-times and final redemption which features the Messiah’s appearance, are all inseparably linked to Israel’s restoration. It is even stated by the Prophet Jeremiah (Jer 16:14,15) that future events regarding God’s incredible restoration of Israel would surpass Israel’s miraculous deliverance from Egypt.

To be sure, each time the Jewish people are subjected to suffering and tragedy – it is another divine opportunity for the righteous among the nations to take up the banner to identify with and even enable God’s greater purpose.

What can you do today? You are invited to be a part of the restoration among fervent Jews in Israel whose vision is to rebuild the land of our forefathers and live in freedom the way God intended.

In 1897 Theodor Herzl laid the groundwork for the modern State of Israel out of which the World Zionist Congress (WZC) grew. Every very five years Jewish delegates from around the world convene to vote on policies, leadership, and funding priorities that shape the future of Israel and the global Jewish community, many of which directly contribute to realizing this vision.

On March 10th voting began that runs until May 4th. You have a rare opportunity to be a part of this vision by joining “Ten From the Nations” and reaching out to Jews who are U.S. citizens or have legal permanent residence in the U.S which enables them to vote in the WZC until May 4th. The effects of gentiles encouraging Jewish contacts to align themselves with the vision that fulfills the final redemption – affects us all.

This is not just a vote, but an opportunity to support those who deeply care about Israel’s future. The links for more information are found at: https://israel365action.com/tenfromthenations/ or https://www.israel365action.com 

Rev Anthony Abma, a graduate of Theological Studies in 1983. Has served in Biblical education and training in over 45 countries. An ardent student of prophecy he recognized the importance of Jewish Sovereignty in Israel and the biblical mandate of Christian support – which are essential components of global redemption.

The post A Time for Gentiles To Reflect: Purim & Queen Esther appeared first on Israel365 News.

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