A Chronology of Palestinian Terrorist Attacks Against Israelis

IDF attack

Israel is under attack as years of Palestinian incitement have resulted in a wave of terror directed at Israel’s civilians and soldiers. Here is the breakdown of the latest wave of terrorism.

The latest wave of Palestinian violence broke out on September 13, on Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.

A total of 31 victims have been killed and over 353 wounded – 26 of them seriously.

Following is a chronological list of each terror attack. The list will be updated as necessary:

Terror attacks include:

180 stabbings.

74 shootings.

38 Vehicular attacks.

February 18

4:45 pm – Two 14-year-old Palestinian terrorists stab two Israelis in a supermarket in Sha’ar Binyamin. One victim died of his wounds. The other victim is moderately wounded. Both terrorists are shot and wounded.


February 14

11 pm – Two terrorists opened fire at security forces near Damascus Gate in Jerusalem. Forces responded to threat and shot terrorists.

5:45 pm – Palestinian woman attempted to stab security forces in Hebron. Terrorist shot.

11:00 pm – Two terrorists hurled rocks at passing vehicles west of Jenin. When forces arrived at the scene, they were fired at by terrorist. Forces responded to the threat and fired towards the terrorists.


February 13

6:50 pm  – Car ramming attack outside of Jerusalem. Two Border Police officers injured.

February 9

Neve Daniel (Gush Etzion): A man was stabbed and moderately wounded. The terrorist fled to nearby Nahalin village. Several suspects were arrested.

February 7

9:20 am – Terrorist stabbed IDF soldier at Central Bus Station in Ashkelon, wounding him lightly. Terrorist shot dead.

February 6

5:20 P.M. – Terrorist stabbed sixty-year-old woman in southern city of Rahat.

February 4

11:20 A.M. – 2 teenage girls stabbed security guard at Ramla bus station in central Israel.Terrorists apprehended.

February 3

3:00 P.M. – 3 terrorists armed with guns, knives, and explosives attacked 2 Border Policewomen in Jerusalem. Border Policewoman, Corporal Hadar Cohen, was killed in the attack.Terrorists shot.


February 1

7:45 A.M. – Forces identified suspect infiltrating security fence near community of Sal’it, east of Kfar Saba. When forces arrived, terrorist drew knife and attempted to stab soldiers. Terrorist shot.


January 31

3:15 P.M. – Suspect attempted to ram vehicle into IDF soldiers manning checkpoint on Route 443. Force responded to danger and shot terrorist.

11:15 A.M. – Gunman opened fire near Beit El, wounding three IDF soldiers. Forces responded to attack and shot terrorist.


January 30

6:00 P.M. – Two terrorists stabbed Jewish man at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem.


January 28

11:20 P.M. – Terrorist stabbed Israeli man in Givat Ze’ev, outside of Jerusalem. Victim critically wounded. Terrorist apprehended.


January 27

4:20 P.M. – Forces prevent stabbing attack at Kalandia Crossing. Terrorist arrested and in custody.


January 25

5:30 P.M. – Two terrorists stabbed two women outside a supermarket in the community of Beit Horon. 23-year-old, Shlomit Krigman, was murdered in the attack. Two explosive devices were found near area of the attack. Terrorists shot.

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January 24

9:30 P.M. – A gunman opened fire at a vehicle driving near the community of Dolev.


January 20

2:00 A.M. – Gunman shot at Israeli forces during a patrol in Tulkarem, wounding IDF soldier.


January 18

10:30 A.M. – 30-year-old pregnant woman stabbed in Tekoa, near Jerusalem.


January 17

5:40 P.M. – Palestinian terrorist broke into home in community of Otniel and stabbed Dafna Meir (38) to death. Forces apprehended the terrorist.

2:00 P.M. – Palestinian terrorist attempted to stab IDF soldiers on patrol near Nablus. Forces responded and fired towards terrorist.


January 14

1:30 P.M. – Terrorist attacked military vehicle near Nablus and proceeded to stab and wound IDF officer. Forced fired towards terrorist.

January 12

2:00 P.M. – Palestinian terrorist armed with knife attempted to stab soldier near Hebron. Forces responded to threat and fired towards terrorist.


January 11

11:00 A.M. – Palestinian armed with knife attempted stab soldier southwest of Jenin. Forces shot and thwarted terrorist.


January 9

7:00 A.M. – Two terrorists attempted to stab IDF soldiers at security crossing near Beka’ot. Forces shot terrorists and stopped the attack.


January 7

10:30 P.M. – Palestinian armed with knife attempted to stab IDF soldiers at checkpoint near Hebron. Forces thwarted attack and shot terrorist.

8:30 P.M. – Three terrorists armed with knives attempted to stab IDF soldiers guarding at Gush Etzion Junction. Forces thwarted attack and shot terrorists.

January 5

Highway 79, northern Israel – driver lightly injured when his bus was stoned.

8:50 A.M. – Terrorist stabbed IDF soldier at Gush Etzion Junction. Forces responded and shot attacker.


January 4

Jerusalem: Attempted stabbing attack near the National Police Headquarters – a passerby was very lightly wounded. Forces shot the terrorist in the leg; when he continued to flee, they shot him again. He was brought to hospital in moderate condition.

January 3

6:20 P.M. – IDF soldier wounded from gunfire during security check south of Hebron.

2:20 P.M. – Terrorist opened fire at Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, wounding IDF soldier.


January 2

Jerusalem – on the road to Gush Etzion: Palestinian terrorist shooting at passing cars; Arab Israeli lightly wounded.

January 1

Tel Aviv: In a shooting attack at a pub, two killed – Alon Bakal (26), the pub’s manager, and Shimon Ruime (30) – and 8 injured, two seriously. The terrorist (29, from Arara village in northern Israel) is still at large. The terrorist later killed an Arab taxi driver.

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December 31

12:15 P.M. – Palestinian attacker rammed vehicle into forces near Huwara, wounding IDF soldier. Forces responded to threat and shot terrorist.


December 30

Genady Kofman (41) who was critically injured in a Palestinian stabbing attack near the Cave of the Patriarchs on December 7, dies. Kofman was a father of two and a resident of Kiryat Arba


December 27

2:00 P.M. – Two Palestinians stabbed and wounded soldier in Huwara, near Nablus. Terrorists shot.

7:30 A.M. – Palestinian terrorist stabbed IDF soldier near Jerusalem’s central bus station. Soldier lightly injured. Terrorist arrested.


December 26

4:20 P.M. – Palestinian rammed car into IDF forces south of Nablus, wounding a soldier. Forces responded and shot the terrorist.


December 25

4:55 P.M. – Attempted car ramming attack in Silwad. Terrorist shot.


December 24

10:30 A.M. – A Palestinian armed with screwdriver approached checkpoint near Hebron and attempted to stab forces. Forces responded and shot terrorist.

9:20 A.M. – A Palestinian armed with a knife stabbed two people in Ariel. The two victims were security personnel. They respond and shot terrorist.


December 23

1:15 P.M. – Two Palestinian terrorists stabbed three Israelis in the Old City of Jerusalem. Two victims died; the third seriously injured. The terrorists were shot dead.


December 20

10:00 P.M. – A Palestinian terrorist shot at IDF forces, damaging a military post near Hebron.

1:00 P.M. – Terrorist attempted to stab soldiers in Hebron. Terrorist arrested and evacuated for medical treatment.

December 19

4:20 P.M. – Palestinian stabbed 3 Israelis in Ra’anana. Terrorist arrested.


December 18

4:45 P.M. – Car ramming attack thwarted during violent riot near Ramallah. Assailant shot.

3:20 P.M. – Palestinian terrorist attempted to ram vehicle into security forces at Kalandia Crossing. Terrorist shot.


December 17

11:30 A.M. – Palestinian with knife attempted to stab forces after being approached for questioning. Terrorist shot.


December 14

7:00 P.M. – Israeli woman wounded after Palestinian terrorist hurls rocks at her vehicle near Beit Arye.

3:30 P.M. – Driver rams vehicle at pedestrians at entrance to Jerusalem, injuring 11. An ax was found in car. Terrorist shot.

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December 13

3:50 P.M. – Palestinian woman attempted to stab a civilian in Hebron. IDF forces shot and apprehended the terrorist.


December 11

1:00 P.M. – Terrorist attempted to ram vehicle into security forces near Hebron. Forces responded to the threat and shot the terrorist.

11:45 A.M. – Gunman shot at security personnel at Gilboa Crossing. Guards responded and shot the terrorist.


December 10

4:15 P.M. – A Hamas terrorist rammed his vehicle into 4 soldiers. Forces uncovered a rifle and a stun grenade inside the vehicle. Terrorist was arrested.

December 9

8:00 P.M. – Palestinian terrorists fire shots from their vehicle near Tulkarm in northern Samaria injuring 2 Israelis.

1:05 P.M. – Terrorist stabbed soldier and civilian near Hebron. Terrorist was shot.

December 7

3:45 P.M. – Terrorist stabbed Israeli next to Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron. Terrorist was shot.


December 6

8:00 P.M. – 21-year-old terrorist rammed his vehicle into 2 pedestrians and proceeded to leave car and stab a police officer in Jerusalem. Terrorist shot.


December 4

2:30 P.M. – 2 soldiers injured in car ramming near the community of Ofra in Samaria. Terrorist shot.

1:30 P.M. – Stabbing in the Binyamin region of Samaria. Terrorist shot.

1:00 A.M. – Two terrorists stabbed and wounded soldier in Hebron. Terrorists shot.

December 3

8:00 P.M. – Shooting near Palestinian village of Hizma, north of Jerusalem. Terrorist fled.

5:30 P.M. – Stabbing in Old City of Jerusalem. Terrorist shot.

10:30 A.M. – Shooting near Palestinian village of Hizma, north of Jerusalem. Terrorist shot.


December 1

10:30 A.M. – Attempted stabbing attack near Nablus. Terrorist shot.

8:30 A.M. – Palestinian armed with knife attempted to stab Israeli outside Jerusalem. Terrorist shot and killed.

November 29

10:05 A.M. – Woman injured in stabbing attack at bus stop in Jerusalem.

8:30 A.M. – Border Policeman injured in stabbing attack near Old City of Jerusalem. Terrorist shot and killed.


November 27

1:00 P.M. – 6 soldiers injured in car ramming attack near Hebron. Terrorist shot.

7:30 A.M. – 2 soldiers injured in car ramming attack at bus station near Jerusalem. Terrorist shot before causing further damage.


November 26

11:00 A.M. – Attempted stabbing attack of Border Policemen at Tapuah Junction. Terrorist shot.

November 25

1:15 P.M. – IDF soldier severely wounded in stabbing attack near Hebron. Terrorist shot and arrested.


November 24

8:30 A.M. – 4 Israeli security personell injured in car ramming at Tapuah Junction. Terrorist shot and apprehended.


November 23

3:15 P.M. – IDF soldier killed and IDF officer injured in stabbing attack at gas station on Route 443 near Modiin.

3:10 P.M. – Attempted stabbing attack near Nablus. Terrorist shot on site.

12:30 P.M. – Israeli civilian injured in car ramming attack near Nablus.

11:10 A.M. – 70-year-old man and 27-year-old man injured in stabbing attack in Central Jerusalem. 2 terrorists shot on site.


November 22

3:20 P.M. – Israeli civilian murdered in stabbing attack at Gush Etzion Junction. Terrorist shot on site.

10:45 A.M. – Attempted stabbing and car ramming attack near Jerusalem. Terrorist shot on site.

9:30 A.M. – Attempted stabbing attack of Israeli near Ariel. Terrorist shot on site.

November 21

Kiryat Gat: Four people, including a 13-year-old girl, were wounded in a stabbing attack on King David Street. The stabber was apprehended several hours later.

November 19

5:30 P.M. – Palestinian terrorist opens fire and rams his vehicle at Gush Etzion Junction, killing 3 people. Assailant apprehended.

3:30 P.M. – 2 Israelis killed and 1 injured in a stabbing attack in Tel Aviv. Terrorist apprehended.


November 17

7:30 P.M. – Shots fired at IDF patrol near Ramallah. 1 assailant shot on site, 2 others apprehended.

November 13

2 Israeli civilians murdered & 1 injured in shooting attack near Hebron.

November 10

3:20 P.M. – Attempted stabbing attack of Border Policeman near Jerusalem. Terrorist shot on site.

12:40 P.M. – Attempted stabbing attack in Old City of Jerusalem. Terrorist shot on site.

12:20 P.M. – Israeli injured in stabbing attack on Jerusalem Light Rail. Two terrorists apprehended.


November 8

1:50 PM – Israeli injured in stabbing attack near Alfei Menashe.

11:15 AM – Israeli injured in stabbing attack at entrance to Betar Illit near Jerusalem. Terrorist shot on site.

10:00 AM – 3 Israelis injured in car ramming at Tapuah Junction. Terrorist shot on site.


November 6

6:10 PM –  Israeli soldier severely injured in shooting attack near Hebron. Terrorist apprehended.

4:40 PM – 2 Israelis injured in shooting attack while visiting Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron.

1:40 PM – Israeli injured in stabbing attack outside of supermarket in Sha’ar Binyamin.


November 5

5:05 PM – Attempted stabbing attack in Gush Etzion. Terrorist shot on site.


November 4

4:30 PM – Israeli civilian injured in car ramming attack near Hebron.


November 2

5:30 PM – Israeli civilian injured in stabbing attack in Netanya. Terrorist shot on site.

3:30 PM – 3 Israelis injured in stabbing attack near Rishon LeZion Central Bus Station. Terrorist apprehended.

9:15 AM – Attempted stabbing attack of IDF soldiers near Afula. One terrorist was shot at scene and in treatment. Second suspect was apprehended.


November 1

4:20 PM – 3 Israelis injured in car ramming attack in Hebron.

1:30 PM – Attempted stabbing attack of IDF soldier during a violent riot in Hebron. Terrorist shot on site.


October 31

9:05 AM – Attempted stabbing attack of Israeli forces at Gilboa Crossing near Afula. Terrorist shot on site.


October 30

1:30 PM – 2 Israeli civilians injured in stabbing attack in Jerusalem. Terrorist shot on site.

12:15 PM – Attempted stabbing attack of Border Policemen at Tapuah Junction. Attackers shot on site.


October 29

8:50 PM – Shooting as passing vehicle opened fire towards a bus stop near Jerusalem. Forces fired towards vehicle.

12:00 PM – Attempted stabbing attack of IDF soldier in Hebron. Terrorist shot on site.

8:00 AM – IDF soldier injured in stabbing attack near the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron. Terrorist shot on site.


October 28

4:20 PM – Israeli civilian injured in stabbing attack outside supermarket in Gush Etzion. Terrorist detained on site.

3:35 PM – Attempted stabbing attack of IDF soldier in Hebron. Terrorist shot on site.


October 27

7:00 PM – IDF soldier injured in stabbing at Gush Etzion Junction. Terrorist shot on site.


October 26

2:50 PM – Attempted stabbing attack in Hebron. Terrorist shot on site.

9:40 AM – Israeli stabbed near Hebron. Terrorist shot on site.


October 25

5:30 PM – Israeli civilian injured in stabbing attack at Ariel Junction. Terrorist apprehended.

10:15 AM – Israeli civilian injured in stabbing attack after exiting his car following rock attack.


October 24

11:30 AM – Attempted stabbing attack at Gilboa crossing, south of Afula. Terrorist shot on site.


October 23

5:30 PM – Mother and her 2 children injured from Molotov cocktail hurled at vehicle near Jerusalem.

7:15 AM – IDF soldier injured in stabbing attack near Gush Etzion. Terrorist shot on site.


October 22

8:00 AM – Israeli civilian injured in stabbing attack in Beit Shemesh. Terrorist shot on site.


October 21

9:00 PM – Five IDF soldiers injured in car ramming attack near Bethlehem. Terrorist shot on site.

3:30 PM – IDF soldier injured in stabbing attack near Jerusalem. Terrorist shot on site.

6:20 AM – Attempted stabbing attack in Israeli community near Nablus. Terrorist shot on site.


October 20

9:50 PM – IDF soldier injured in stabbing attack in Hebron. Two assailants shot on site.

4:30 PM – IDF soldier and Israeli civilian injured in car ramming attack at Gush Etzion Junction. Terrorist then attempted to stab the wounded but was shot on site.

11:15 AM – IDF officer injured in stabbing attack during violent riot near Hebron. Terrorist shot on site.


October 18

7:42 PM – IDF soldier Sgt. Omri Levy z”l was killed, four other soldiers and seven Israeli civilians injured in combined shooting and stabbing attack in Be’er Sheva Central Bus Station. Terrorist shot on site.


October 17

8:50 PM – Israeli Border Policeman stabbed at Kalandia Crossing. Terrorist shot on site.

7:42 PM – IDF soldier injured in stabbing attack in Hebron. Terrorist shot on site.

12:21 PM – Israeli Border Policewoman injured in stabbing attack at Cave of Patriarchs in Hebron. Terrorist shot on site.

9:30 AM – Attempted stabbing attack of Border Policeman in Jerusalem. Terrorist shot on site.

8:50 AM – Attempted stabbing attack of Israeli civilian in Hebron. Civilian fired towards terrorist in response.


October 16

2:00 PM – IDF soldier injured in stabbing attack by assailant disguised as news photographer in Kiryat Arba. Terrorist shot on site.

1:08 AM – Joseph’s Tomb set on fire by Palestinian arsonists. Palestinian forces extinguished fire.


October 14

7:15 PM – Israeli woman in her 70’s injured in stabbing attack near Jerusalem Central Bus Station. Terrorist shot on site.

5:20 PM – Attempted stabbing attack of security guard in Jerusalem. Terrorist shot on site.


October 13

10:45 AM – Four Israeli civilians injured in stabbing attack at a bus stop in Ra’anana. Terrorist apprehended on site.

10:15 AM – Israeli civilian killed and two injured in a combined car ramming and stabbing attack in Jerusalem at a bus stop. Terrorist shot on site.

10:00 AM – Two Israeli civilians killed and seven injured on a Jerusalem bus from combined shooting and stabbing attack. A third victim died from his injuries after two weeks on October 27. The terrorists were shot on site.

9:00 AM – Israeli civilian injured in stabbing attack in Ra’anana. Terrorist apprehended on site.

Israeli civilian injured by rock throwing near Hebron.


October 12

9:00 PM – Terrorist stabs Israeli civilian and IDF soldier in attempt to steal his gun on a bus at entrance to Jerusalem. Terrorist shot on site.

3:30 PM – Two Israeli civilians, including a 13-year-old, were injured in stabbing attack by two Palestinians in Jerusalem. The terrorists were 13 and 17-years-old. One shot on site and the other apprehended.

2:19 PM – Attempted stabbing attack near the Israel Police Headquarters in Jerusalem. Terrorist apprehended.

9:00 A.M. – Attempted stabbing attack of Israeli Border Policeman in Jerusalem. Terrorist shot on site.


October 11

7:06 PM – Three Israeli civilians and an IDF soldier injured in stabbing attack in Gan Shmuel, near Hadera. The terrorist rammed his car into a soldier before getting out and going on a stabbing spree. Terrorist shot on site.

7:30 AM – Police officer injured by detonation of gas canister by female Palestinian driver near Ma’ale Adumim. Terrorist apprehended on site.


October 10

3:45 PM – Three Israeli police officers injured in stabbing attack in Jerusalem.

10:30 AM – Two Israeli civilians injured in stabbing attack in Jerusalem.

1:14 AM – Israeli civilian lightly injured from rock attack on Route 60 to Jerusalem.

Israeli civilian lightly injured after rocks thrown at bus in Jerusalem.

IDF soldier injured by gunshot in Kiryat Arba.


October 9

1:30 PM – Attempted stabbing attack of IDF soldier in Afula. Terrorist shot on site.

12:33 PM – Israeli police officer injured in stabbing attack in Kiryat Arba. Terrorist shot on site.

12:30 PM – Israeli civilian injured in stabbing attack in Jerusalem. Terrorist shot on site.

10:00 AM – Four Israeli civilians injured in stabbing attack in Dimona. Terrorist apprehended on site.

Five Israeli civilians injured, including three children, in rock throwing incident that led to car accident south of Nablus.


October 8

7:15 PM – Israeli civilian injured in stabbing attack in Afula. Terrorist shot on site.

3:50 PM – Israeli civilian injured in stabbing attack in Kiryat Arba. Terrorist shot on site.

3:00 PM – Four Israeli civilians and an IDF soldier injured in stabbing attack with screwdriver in central Tel Aviv. Terrorist shot on site by an officer in Israel Air Force.

12:20 PM – Israeli civilian injured in stabbing attack in Jerusalem.


October 7

9:00 PM – Attempted car ramming attack of Border Policeman in Jerusalem. Terrorist apprehended on site.

6:40 PM – Israeli civilian injured in stabbing attack outside mall in Petah Tikva. Terrorist was shot on site.

2:00 PM – IDF soldier injured in stabbing attack in Kiryat Gat in which assailant stole the soldier’s weapon, and was shot on site in civilian’s apartment.

10:00 AM – Israeli civilian injured in stabbing attack in Old City of Jerusalem. Terrorist was shot on site.

Israeli woman injured and pulled out of her car in a rock throwing incident and attempted lynching near Jerusalem.


October 4

Israeli teenager injured in stabbing attack in Jerusalem. Terrorist shot on site.


October 3

8:30 PM – 4 Israelis targeted in stabbing attack in the Old City of Jerusalem. Two Israeli men killed. Wife and child of one of the men were injured.


October 1

9:30 PM – Eitam and Naama Henkin killed in front of their four children in shooting attack near Nablus. Terrorists apprehended.


September 22

8:30 AM – Attempted stabbing attack of IDF soldier in Hebron. Terrorist apprehended on site.


September 21

IDF soldier injured by firebomb near Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus.


September 17

10:00 PM – Israeli civilian injured by rock throwing in Jerusalem.


September 14

Israeli civilian killed and two others injured by rock throwing in Jerusalem.

By: IDF Blog

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The Palestinians’ self-proclaimed knife intifada is the latest result of ongoing incitement against innocent Israelis. Israelis are being stabbed, shot and run over. Yet the world is silent. Help Israel to fight and win the war against terror. The time to act is now!

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Source: United with Israel