WATCH: Palestinian State will bring the annihilation of Israel says Yair Netanyahu

WATCH: Palestinian State will bring the annihilation of Israel says Yair Netanyahu

Yair Netanyahu, son of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, rejected the viability of a two state solution in an interview with Pastor Mario Bramnick at the New Wine Ministries church in Cooper City, Florida.

Bramnick began the conversation by discussing the power of praise and worship in historical battles, referencing biblical events where faith led to victory against overwhelming odds. Pastor Bramnick recounted a remarkable incident from a previous Israel event featuring Rabbi Tuly Weisz of Israel365 where, during the service, news broke about Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi’s sudden death in a helicopter crash, reinforcing Bramnick’s belief in divine intervention through praise.

During the interview that delved into various topics, centering around faith, history, and current geopolitical issues Netanyahu argued that a Palestinian state would endanger Israel’s security and existence. “The majority of the Israeli population live on the Mediterranean coastal plain. The West Bank (Judea and Samaria) is only 10 miles to the east. So, the two-state solution basically guarantees the annihilation of Israel, because Israel will be the width of 10 miles, smaller than Washington, D.C.”

Netanyahu also highlighted the alliance between Marxist and Islamist groups aiming to destabilize Western civilization and democracy. “You have this alliance of Marxists progressives and Islamists who both have the same goal of destroying Western civilization, destroying Judeo-Christian civilization, destroying liberty and democracy.”

Yair addressed the alarming rise of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiments, particularly following the October 7th attacks on Israel. “The FBI has uncovered that Iran is behind the riots and protests in American colleges. Iran, which is an enemy state of the United States, calling for the annihilation of the United States” and their incitement against Israel and the Jewish people is not isolated but part of a broader agenda against Western values.

Supporters from various groups and some students continue pro-Palestinian protest at Columbia University in New York on April 19, 2024 as part of ‘March for Divestment’
(source: Shutterstock)

In discussing the current war’s context, Netanyahu provided a detailed historical background, emphasizing the Jewish connection to Israel. “The history of the Jewish people in Israel goes back to the Old Testament and the New Testament. It’s not just a matter of faith, it’s a matter of archeology. Everywhere you dig in the land of Israel, you find Jewish archeological findings from 3000 years ago.” He countered the narrative of Palestinians as indigenous, describing them as descendants of recent Arab immigrants.

Yair shared personal memories of his father, Benjamin Netanyahu, highlighting his dedication to Israel. “It’s both a great privilege and a heavy burden. It’s a privilege because I admire my father and I think he is one of the greatest leaders of the Jewish people in recent history.”

In addition to serving as senior pastor at New Wine Ministries, Pastor Mario Bramnick heads the Latino Coalition for Israel and is part of the Keep God’s Land leadership. Bramnick concluded his interview with a prayer for Yair Netanyahu, his family, and the nation of Israel, asking for divine protection and wisdom during these challenging times.

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