“Why can’t Mecca defeat Israel?”

“Why can’t Mecca defeat Israel?”

When the Internet first opened its doors to the public, many expressed hopes that it would become a virtual town square where the entire globe could interact. It is now clear that, for the most part, social media has become an intellectual cesspool. While I enjoy Facebook, I have to cull my friends list as trolls constantly try to infect my circle of friends.

I recently began testing the waters of Quora, a site where the public can ask questions and offer answers.It quickly became clear that the voices of ignorance screamed the loudest, and the people most in need of facts and information were least likely to seek instruction. It is on Quora that I am made aware of the most extreme forms of Jew-hatred infecting the minds of so many today.

This is especially true of questions regarding the war in Gaza. While I usually ignore questions based on misconceptions, one question struck me this morning.

“Why can’t Mecca defeat Israel?”

The question implied that the war in Israel is between Muslims and Jews, or, more specifically, Sunni Muslims headed by Saudi Arabia and the Jews. The question may have been intended to incite an adverse reaction, but I chose to respond in an informative manner that illustrated the true nature of the conflict:

“Mecca is not a political entity. Mecca is the holiest site in Sunni, home to the Kaaba, considered by Sunn Muslims to be “the House of Allah.” It is the destination for the Hajj pilgrimage, one of the pillars of the Islamic faith, and the qibla, the direction towards which the  Sunni pray.

Mecca is not a political entity, nor does it have an army or government.

Mecca is a city in Saudi Arabia, the holiest in Sunni Islam. Saudi Arabia has decent relations with Israel, which are very close to being formalized. The same is true of Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world. 

While Hamas claims religious motives for wanting to murder every Jew on the planet, the war on Israel has not been taken up by all of Islam. Indeed, by population, there are now more Muslim countries that have normalized relations with Israel than not.

And it is certainly not a war of Sunni, headed by Saudi Arabia, against the Jews and Israel. All of the entities currently attacking Israel are enemies of Saudi Arabia and Mecca. As a result, the Biden administration ran afoul of Saudi Arabia by declassifying the Houthis as a terrorist organization and by lifting economic sanctions from Iran, Saudi Arabia’s arch  (Shia) enemy.

The current war in Israel is being fueled by Iran, non-arab, and Shia. Being non-Arab and Shia, Iran has no religious interest in Israel or Jerusalem. Iran’s hatred of Israel comes solely from its oppressive and hugely unpopular Islamist regime, which does not hold Mecca to be holy in the same manner as Sunni Arabs. The populace of Iran is deeply dissatisfied with the regime and, with minimal support from outside, would gladly rise and overthrow the regime.

Turkey, also non-Arab and Shia, has a vast but antiquated army fueled by caliphate aspirations to rule the Muslim world and return to its role as the Ottoman Empire. Despite being strongly Muslim, Turkey has political relations with Israel, which run hot and cold. They need our technology and trade savvy. But, at the same time, they host Hamas. They are a NATO member but frequently court Russia as an ally.

Contrary to popular belief (by Jew-hating idiots) but consistent with our history of trading land for false promises of peace, Israel is anti-colonial and has no expansionist agenda. The Abraham Accords did not require Israel to give up land, nor did it require the establishment of a “Palestinian state.” The US democrats have always built a mid-east policy based on peace between the Arabs (i.e., Mecca) and Israel, predicated on a “two-state solution”. In reality, the obstacle to peace between Israel and the Arabs is not the Jews living in Judea and Samaria. The obstacle to peace between Israel and the Arabs (i.e., mecca and Islam) is our common enemy: the Palestinians.

The post “Why can’t Mecca defeat Israel?” appeared first on Israel365 News.

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