The Key to a Trump Victory in 2024: The Noahide Laws

The Key to a Trump Victory in 2024: The Noahide Laws

As a Jew, I am deeply grateful for everything Trump did for Israel during his term in the White House. From the outset, Trump made his connection to Jerusalem clear. His campaign victory in 2016 and successes as president resulted from the blessings he received for his connection to Jerusalem.

Biden is quite the opposite. His state department has established a de facto Palestinian embassy in Jerusalem, greenlit the Iranian attack on Israel, withheld vital intel from the IDF, and embargoed weapons shipments to Israel during the war. But even if Biden were prop-Israel, it seems clear to me that another Biden term in the White House will result in global destruction as compared to Trump’s presidency, which marked one of the most prosperous and peaceful periods in recent years.

This raises the question of why Trump failed in his bid for reelection if his presidency was so successful. The answer emphasizes what he must work to repair if he reenters the Oval Office.

Even before Trump entered the White House, the FBI spied on his campaign and wiretapped his office. The FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago contrasted sharply with the Justice Department’s treatment of Biden for the same alleged crime. The FBI concluded that Hillary Clinton had absolutely violated the law but gave her a pass for unclear reasons. The Hur special investigation concluded the same about Biden’s mishandling of classified documents. Spurious allegations of Russian collusion and a protracted yet pointless Mueller investigation crippled Trump’s ability to act as president.

These actions were carried out by unelected bureaucrats. As a Washington outsider, Trump was not savvy enough to root out his opponents who were already firmly entrenched in the “swamp” 

This is not a matter of politics or policy. Trump’s difficulties resulted from neglecting one of the seven Noahide laws. With the fifth Noahide Law (Genesis 9:6), God commands Man to punish murderers. This is not due to logic or an innate sense of morality. The reason is “for in His image Did Hashem make man.” By punishing crime, Man is emulating God’s image. 

But Biden has created a justice system in his own twisted image. The Biden administration has violated the Constitution numerous times, prohibiting landlords from collecting rent and using OSHA to require people to get vaccinated. In contravention of a Supreme Court ruling and a decision by Congress, Biden is refunding student loans to gain votes. The Biden administration has shown over and over again that it sees the rule of law as a tool to be used toward its selfish political ends. 

At the same time, one of the Biden administration’s characteristics is weaponizing the justice system to safeguard him and his family from investigation and prosecution.

They have also weaponized the court system against their political opponent, Donald Trump, bringing a ridiculous amount of charges against him, the vast majority of which have been revealed to be spurious and based on nothing. The recent conviction was absurd and established many dangerous legal precedents. Most unbiased legal experts acknowledge that it should be overturned on appeal, but the US justice system may already be too far gone to fix itself.

This soul-disease of twisted justice is taking hold around the world. What we have seen in so many forms is lawlessness. It infected the International Criminal Court, leading it to make the most bizarre claims against Israel, going so far as to issue an arrest warrant against Benjamin Netanyahu, the leader of Israel.

This sin of injustice is what is destroying the world today, plunging us into one of the most turbulent and war-torn eras I have seen in my lifetime. Misguided youth take to the streets en masse, unashamedly claiming that Hamas was justified in its October 7 attack.

Trump did many things well, but to fix this soul-sickness of injustice, Trump must return the justice system to being in God’s image. 

In his first term, Trump ignored the Noahide commandment to establish a God-based justice system. I believe he is paying for that now. I believe the entire world is paying for that sin. I support Donald Trump, but this is conditional support, conditioned on his fixing the court system. He must do it to retain political control but, more importantly, he must do this for universal godliness.

The post The Key to a Trump Victory in 2024: The Noahide Laws appeared first on Israel365 News.

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